a> only <i> follows
b> either I or ii follows
c> none follows
2 questions on +means *, %mean -, etc..
answers of those questions are 4 and -20/3..
letter series example aabb-abda--bbaa this type one question
a question of this type
find the next term in AM ,BA ,JM like this
apti questions:
1) it has 20 mixutre conatins mil and water in the ratio 3:5,replace 4 litres of
mixture with 4 litres of water what is the final ratio of milk and water.
2) + means * and * means / and / means % what is the value of these
2+3*5/7 it was two question of these type.
3) The equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5 ( question of this type this
is not
exact question).
3) work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days, the same work can
be done
by 10 children and 5 women . in how many days 2 children and 3 men
(similar to this)
4) one man or two women or three boys can do a work in 44 days then one
man, one women and one boy together can fininsh the same work in ----
5) (998-1)(998-2)(998-3)..............(998-n)=------- when n>1000 ans is
6) in how many ways can a lock be opened if that lock has three digit number
lock if
the last digit is 9
and sum of the first two digits is less than or equal to the last
numbers are from 0-9
7)if a man reduces the selling price of a fan from 400 to 380 his loss
increases by 20% .cost price of fan is.
8) there are 76 persons. 53 can read hindu,46 can read times,39 can read
and 15 can read all.if 22 can read hindu and deccan and 23 can read deccan and
then what is the number of persons who read only times and hindu.........
ans 18