Elearning , Interview Questions And Answers


printf("%c",*a); a++; } } 1. india 2. I N D I A 3. no output 4. error 5.Null b. protected derivation c. int m = 10; main() { int m = 20; {int m = 30;} printf("%d %d",m,::m); 1. 10 10 2. 10 20 3. 20 10 4. 20 30 5. 30 20 6. None d. inline function is used to 1. reduce program size 2. reduce memory size e. void func(float newtotal) { newtotal = newtotal-2; } main() { float tot = 100.34; float sum = tot; sum++; func(sum); cout<<tot; } 1. 100.34 2. 99.34 3. 101.34 4. 102.34 5. None f. unsigned char snapnib(unsigned char misc) { int aloha, hamalo; hamalo = aloha = misc; misc = (hamalo << 4)+((aloha & 0x0f)>>4); return(misc); } main() { int getinp;