6. Frequency at which VOICE is sampled is
a) 4 Khz
b) 8 Khz
c) 16 Khz
d) 64 Khz
Ans: (a)
7. Line of Sight is
a) Straight Line
b) Parabolic
c) Tx & Rx should be visible to each other
d) none
Ans: (c)
8. Purpose of PC(Program Counter) in a MicroProcessor is
a) To store address of TOS(Top Of Stack)
b) To store address of next instruction to be executed.
c) count the number of instructions.
d) to store base address of the stack.
Ans: (b)
9. What action is taken when the processor under execution is interrupted by a
non-maskable interrupt?
a) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the execution of the
current instruction.
b) Processor serves the interupt request after completing the current task.
c) Processor serves the interupt request immediately.
d) Processor serving the interrupt request depends upon the priority of the
current task under execution.
Ans: (a)
10. The status of the Kernel is
a) task
b) process
c) not defined.
d) none of the above.
Ans: (b)
11 What is the nominal voltage required in subscriber loop connected to local