Elearning , Interview Questions And Answers


BFL ­ ALL PAPERS 2005 BFL PAPER (COMPUTER AWARENESS TEXT) (45QUESTIONS ,+1,-1/4,45MIN) (ITH IN BRACKETS ANSWERS) 1.In scanf h is used for (short int) 2.process is (program in execution) 3.thread is (detachable unit of executable code) 4.advantage of Win NT over Win 95 (robust &secure) 5.memory managemant in Win95 (paging &segmentation) 6.SQL indicates (all above) 7.polymorphism(function & operator overloading) 8.inheritance is(all properties of existing class are derived) 9.FTP(transfer a file b/w stations with user authentification) 10.TCP in transport layer (connection oriented) 11.gateway is used (to connect incompatible networks) 12.linked list is implemented by (referential structures) 13.multitask win95 (preemptive or non preemptive check) 14.functional dependency ( answer C) 15.semaphore is (synchronization of multiple processes 16.precedence order from high to low ( ( ) ++ / ) 17.preorder of A*(B+C)/D-G (*+ABC/-DG) 18.B-tree (failure nodes at same level) 19.dense index (index record appers for every search -key in file) 20.answer for one questions ( (*p).value =5 )