Cadence paper
75 Marks paper..time limit 1.15 H
10 related to s/w & then 10 related to h/w & 55 aptitute.
technical part
1. ans:O(n**2)
2. inorder & preorder seq. of tree is given & you have to find out post order..
very easy but do practice you can make one easy method by practice..
3. problem on pass by ref. & pass by value.
asn: x=5 & y=3 assembler relocatable code generated by ...!!??
asn: indirect addressing
5.depth of the tree
6.very simple problem on binary tree ...
so learn who to build tree & insert new tree node...
ans: 10
7.problem on FSM
8.problem on stack
9.problem on grammer
thenical part 2
1. A(XOR)B
2. for modulo-13 ...FF req.
asn: 4
3. asn: modulo-6
4. ans: z(x+y)
5. ans: 0,1
6. on DMA : I/O to Mem. without CPU monitering
7. problem on ring counter
asn: 4 cycle
8.number given in form 20 digit repesentation ...
where A,B ,C ,,,..J
are 10,11,12,...20