Elearning , Interview Questions And Answers


number is 'IA' what is the value in octal asn:562 9. one program is given inwhich statement are t= u%v t= u%v u=v v=v-1... you have to find complexcity of prog. asn: !!?? ------------------------------------ last aptitude Part --------------- 1. log( X**3 + Y**3) where x=3/4 y=1/4 log(3) , log(7) & log(2) is given ... ans:-0.385 2. one puzzle related cards ... asn: 1 black card & 12 red crads 3. last question of paper .. sum of money of A & B =Rs.10 diffrence of A + B = Rs.9 ans : 50 pesa 4. one paper is equlely folded 50 times... what is new thikness of paper.. ans: 2**50 5. problem in which two circle are drawn ...& triangle.. ans: 10root2 6. one problem related to two train ... ans: (T + t)/2 7. connect nine point without take-off pen & without overlapping line segment 1 2 3 4