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Last Updated: 08/21/01

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Title Listings

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Page Layout and Select Pictures ©2001 JMcChick
Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Dic, and Mixx.

Welcome to Stories of the Past!  Here will find the latest and best of Sailor Moon based fanfiction centering on the time period of the Silver Millennium.  Feel free to explore each area of the site and please if you have questions, comments, or suggestions, be sure to send them to me!

Site Guide

New Stories
This  section  rotates on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly update schedule.  You'll find the most recent updates to the archives there.

Like to draw or look at the great works of art that other fans have drawn?  Then this is the place for you!  All pictures are Silver Millennium based, of course!

Title Listings
Here you can search for your favorite stories by looking through the list of all the stories contained in the archive.  They are listed in alphabetical order.

Author Listings
Each author will be listed alphabetically.  Just click the name to go to an index of all the author's stories currently housed at the archives.

Monthly Feature
Once every month or every two months, one story will be selected as the best story for that time period.  The winning author will receive a banner and will be featured in this section.

Story / Art Submissions
This is the page where authors or artists will upload their work to the archives.  First, read the rules.  Then fill out the form.  Lastly, upload the file.  Be sure an follow all the directions!

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Thank you for visiting!  I hope you enjoy the site!