Randi (Hero) - This isthe main character. He is the son of Serin (who is a main character to the prequel, Sieken Dendetsu 3). Fate, it seems, has chosen you to become the legendary hero of mana. Weilding your sword, are you still even strong enough?
Popoie (Sprite) - You meet this funny little guy (AND IT IS A GUY) at the bazzar in Gaia's Naval. He cheats you out of your money, but later joins your party, actually proving himself to be strong. He comes into the party with the Boomerang and Bow/Arrows.
Purim (Girl) - You meet her either at the Kingdom of Pandora when she runs away from her father, or at the Witch's forest. It doesn't matter whom you get first; Popoie or her; but I reccommend getting her right after Popoie to build up her level, instead of meeting her in the forest. She asks you to help her search for her lost love, Dyluck, and after you agree the plot starts to unfold. She gets healing magic, and dies more than anyone else in the group. She comes into the group with the Gloves.
Timothy - Your friend at the beginning. Tries to cover for you being at the falls. |
Elliot - Your other friend who kinda beats you up, causing you to fall in the Mantis Ant's lair. |
Elder - Randi's adopted grandfather. The fucker kicks you out of that shit hole, Potos, because the panzy mother-fucking slut is afraid of a few monsters here and there. Not to worry! Using the "select trick", you can talk to him again........ where he keeps saying the same line over and over again...
Jema - A mysterious knight that helps you throughout the game. You first meet him at the Potos Bar after he sees you fight the Mantis Ant. Like Luka, he tells you many important things and stradegies. |
Cannon Travel Man - He sends you places using his cannon (for a price though). There are a whole bunch of these guys throughout the world, one of which, you meet first after talking to Jema. He let's you go to the Water Palace for free. |
Luka - Luka is the keeper of the Water Palace. When you first meet her, you are suprised that a hot chick like that could possibly be so old. She tells you many interesting things, and unlike the rest of the greedy bastards, she lets you rest and save for free. She gives you the spear.
Dyluck - Purim's fiancé. He leaves to fight the witch and many times over becomes a pawn in Thanatos' sick plot to control the world. He never talks to Purim ever again except at the end where he dies (but I shouldn't have told you that). |
Watts - Watts is the weapon forger. He is obsessed with buying heroin for his bitches, and follows you all around the world. He is your only way to get new weapons and weapon levels, and is seen so much that he is practically the fourth, un-controlled player. You first meet him in Gaia's naval, and he gives you the axe.
Elinee - The supposed "evil" witch of the land pulls the vigorous Dyluck into submission. After battling her minion, Spikey Tiger, her power is lost and she is turned into and ordinary, kind hearted woman. But, of course, she is gonna give you the run-around before she loses her powers by sending Dyluck back down to Thanatos in Pandora. Once you defeat Spikey Tiger, you are able to enter the cave left of the Water Temple to get Undine (whom gives you the javelin). She gives you the whip as a present.
Phanna - Purim's best (only) friend. She doesn't do much at all except sit around. She gets you into Thanatos' dungeon for the first time, and is also Thanatos' second pawn until you sink the lost continent.
Thanatos - Thanatos builds himself up to be some reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally strong black magician. He is one of the most easiest bosses you will fight (dark lich). He likes to kidnap people and suck their life force out to make himself stronger. He is really interested in Dyluck, because he has a big will to fight evil.
Scorpion Boy - Handyman to the Scorpion Boss
Scorpion Boss - Just another second class terrorist on Thanatos' side.
Grandpa Sprite - Popoie's Grandfather. You meet him in your journey to the Wind Palace in the Upper Land. He says that his time is coming and gives you Sylphid.
King Truffle - King of Matango. This guy is important. He cares for Flammie while it is just a little dragon, and raises it to be friendly and willing.
Flammie - The legendary white dragon you rescue from the great viper. After Truffle raises him, you get control and can fly anywhere in the world. Once you get Flammie, you can immediatley do the "Mana Sword" trick.
Rudolph - If you don't know who this is, you should be shot. You meet Rudolph in the Ice Country walking by a small cabin in the middle of nowhere. He has lost Santa.
Santa Claus - Like Rudolph; if you don't know who this is, you should be shot. You find him hiding away as the frost gigas in the Ice Palace. Once you return to his house, make sure you plunder his treasure chests for orbs.
Sergo - Sailor of the 8 seas (used to be at least). You meet him in the airship prison when you travel to the desert. He helps you escape by yelling "fire fire fire".
Mara - You meet Mara in Southtown. People talk about her being crazy and all, but actually, she's the widow of a spy. She gives you the password to enter the sewer that leads to Northtown. She carries a box of his shit, and later on, she gives you the key to the Gold City tower which her husband left behind.
Krissie - The leader of the resistance in Northtown. She cries during her sleep. |

Resistance Members - These guys are for background stuff. They are the red-shirts/faces in the crowd/nobodies/pocket lint/sheep/etc. |
Emporer Vandole - The bastard that runs Northtown and killed Krissie's dad. The fucker tricks Krissie and her gang into going to the castle for a conference. They are trapped, and it's your job to rescue them. After this confrontation, you goto the roof to battle the Mech Rider again. Once you beat him, the castle is about to self destruct when who do you guess shows up with a certain white dragon... |
Jehk/Joch - The real Joch. He poses as Joch's disciple to throw you off into doing some weird tasks to prove your worthyness (including fighting the Dopplegangers). He tells you what you have to do. |
Fake Joch - An illusion created by the real Joch to make you beleive he is some old fart that speaks a forgotten language. |
Geshtar - Another second rate magician of Thanatos |
Fahna - Another second rate magician of Thanatos |
Sheex - Another second rate magician of Thanatos |