
Blood Dawn

Blood Dawn orcs look huge compared to other manufacturer's orcs due to their width. Blood Dawn orcs are my favorite orcs due to their bulk. They really make an orc look like a scary muscle-bound beast compared to 15mm humans. I only wish Blood Dawn figures had more than one pose. A little different than Games Workshop orcs; they have two front tusk-like protrusions and some have hair.

A Blood Dawn orc wielding a kris and chain including command. 20 in a pack excluding command. 1 pose.
height=15mm crouching, 17mm upright
rumors=These orcs are huge.
personal opinion=Unusual weapon choices, a kris and a chain. Great for WFRP if you use whip stats for the chain and sword-breaker stats for the kris.

A Blood Dawn orc archer. 15 in a pack. 1 pose.
height=18mm upright; I had to tilt the figure upward a little to get it to scan
personal opinion=You could probably use these for orcs or black orcs. They are more the size of black orcs.

A Blood Dawn black orc with an axe and shield including command. 20 in a pack excluding command. 1 pose.
personal opinion=They look quite a bit wider than Blood Dawn orcs.

Blood Dawn boar lancers with lances and shields. 12 in a pack. 1 pose. Sorry about the white dust spots. I cleaned my scanner shortly after taking two of the pictures.
height=27mm rider, 16mm boar
personal opinion=Look like the above orcs riding on large boars. The orcs come separated from the boars. These boars are almost as high as a 15mm horse and bulkier. The orcs are a little skinny so look like common Blood Dawn orcs instead of black orcs. I painted 6 of the boars with a slightly lighter brown color. This way you can split them up into two groups and still be able to tell them apart.

Blood Dawn scorpion lancers with lances and shields. 3 in a pack. 1 pose.
height=29mm rider, 16mm scorpion
personal opinion=The same orcs as above riding giant scorpions. They come in three separate pieces-body, tail, and rider. The scorpion bodies and pincers are wider than an actual scorpion's should be. They look more like giant crabs with tails. I'm not complaining though, they look a lot better than Demonworld's giant scorpions. Scorpions naturally come in a light yellowish or black color. I decided to make them a light color so they would show up better on the table. I might buy some more in the future and leave off the tails to make giant crabs. If you want riderless scorpions you'll have to file or sand down the saddles.

Blood Dawn black orc mauler including command. I realized that I forgot to include the drum beater on the above black orc axemen so here he is. 20 in a pack excluding command, 1 pose.
height=16mm crouching
personal opinion=Black orcs similar to the axemen but crouching way down. I found the tongues hanging way out of their mouths made them look very silly. I cut the tongues off at the mouth and didn't paint them in order to hide them. You can see a picture of these orcs with their tongues at Thane's Games in the online catalog.

Blood Dawn orc maceman. Command is the same as orcs with kris and chain above. 1 pose, 20 in a pack excluding command.
personal opinion=These orc are scantly clothed wearing nothing but loincloths and a few bits of clothing or wristbands. They look nice and primitive. The shields come with a few raised rune symbols. The mace has a few spikes on it which look nice.

Blood Dawn orc two-handed swordsman. Command is the same as orcs with kris and chain above. 1 pose, 20 in a pack excluding command.
personal opinion=These orc are scantly clothed as the ones above. They have a mohawk hairstyle which gives them a slightly menacing look.

Blood Dawn orc heroes. I painted some darker green to act as black orc heroes. 2 poses. I painted the mohawk red, orange, and yellow like the Battlemasters chaos archers used to look.
personal opinion=Nice orc figures. Watch out for the ones with the long, curved sword (lighter orc in picture). Their sword is really flimsy. Just picking it up by the sword will bend the sword out of shape. It is probably just a matter of time before I end up accidently breaking the sword off. The orc with the flimsy sword is wearing a cape. The only orc I've ever seen wearing one.

Blood Dawn orc shaman. 1 pose. 2 in a pack. I cut off the spear end of the other shaman I have to make it look a little different from this one.
personal opinion=Looks like the other orcs above. Kind of hard to tell but he is wielding a serrated dagger in his right hand.

Black Raven Foundry

Black Raven Foundry orc whip master.
rumors=more tolkien than other orcs
personal opinion=A lot skimpier and shorter than Blood Dawn orcs. Look nice though.
compatibility=compatible with Eureka 18mm orcs


Eureka orc chief.
personal opinion=Almost identical to the Black Raven Foundry orc above.
compatibility=compatible with Black Raven Foundry orcs

Orc comparison

A comparison of all the orcs I own so far. From left to right: Black Raven Foundry, Eureka 18mm, Warmaster, Blood Dawn orc, and Blood Dawn black orc.

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