Emily's Ass

Date of birth: 11/14/86

Nicknames: nihilty, movie-partner-in-crime, dinosaur

Hobbies: being a dinosaur, track, b-ball, volleyball

Eye color: green/blue (they change)

Pets: none, just 6 million siblings


Kiss my ass
What's your point?

color: blue

bands: blink, usher, karen's paradise, anything anna makes on a mix cd for me

food: cookies and chipwiches

movie: jurassic park and any other movie having to do with dinos

TV show: anything on the discovery channel (especially the dinos)

superhero: i'd hafta go with my ass... but seriously spiderman (because tobey maguire is really hot!!)

video game: I don't play 'em

book: I dont usually read, but im reading a good book that my grams gave me called "Moonlight BeCUMs You"

concert: havent been to enough to say

magazine: anything with hot (naked) guys in it

actor / actress: tobey maguire/ reese whitherspoon

place to live: my azz

guilty pleasure: im not even gunna say anything..i'll let u imagine it

weird phobia of the moment: having another sibling

If you could have sex with anyone(living or dead) who would it be? Anna and Sarah b/c we're all having lesbian 3some at the end of senior year.
