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Moving Pictures
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Moving Pictures introduces the character of Gaspode the Wonder Dog. He talks. He also has a heart like Lassie's, but the body of a wimpy Maltese. His efforts to save people are thus never very successful.

  The bar emptied, leaving only the usual clouds of smoke, cauldrons of molten troll drinks, Ruby idly scraping the congealed lava off the mugs, and a small, weary, moth-eaten dog.
  The small, weary, moth-eaten dog thought hard about the difference between looking and acting like a wonder dog and merely being one.
  It said "Bugger."

Hooray for Holy Wood! The alchemists have invented moving-pictures (they'll be educational, probably). They didn't figure on Tinsel Town having a mind of its own. Suddenly, everybody is trying to get into the clicks. Dibbler has stars in his eyes, but that's never stopped him before - Ol' Throat finds himself dreaming of a thousand elephants... and Forbidden Passione in a World Gone Madde! Detritus pops up again, and he finds love in a troll bar ("Play it again, Sham") and a whole town springs up on the site of thousand-year-old Holy Wood - a sunken city under the sea, whose late inhabitants had their own brush with too much dreaming.

Reality thins down in places like Holy Wood, and the author has a thing about creatures from the dungeon dimensions breaking through into reality and causing mayhem and bloody death, wherever they can. Watch out for tongue-in-cheek references to King Kong, Tom and Jerry, ducks with funny voices and--- yes, Bugs Bunny. Mmmmm, and let's not forget Gone with the Wind.

  The Bursar shrugged. "This pot," he said, peering closely, "is actually quite an old Ming vase."
  He waited expectantly.
  "Why's it called Ming?" said the Archchancellor, on cue.
  The Bursar tapped the pot. It went ming.

There is a brief appearance by the Ankh-Morpork Night Watch (Nobby and Sarge), and even yetis (carnivorous ones, unlike the nicer sort in Thief of Time) have a small cameo. Lovely stuff. The wizards are well on their way to becoming their more lovable selves (except for Windle Poons's attempts at sexual harassment - so sad, really) and we meet Ridcully for the first time. The Bursar's still fairly sane in this one, but not for long. Viz "Bursaar!" being yelled at him all the time, and the fact that soon Ridcully will jam his door open to shoot a crossbow at the target above his head - "Keeps him on his toes, what?" {*shudder*}

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