

Nordic Mythology

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Welcome to our historical corner
- do your wish to read and even learn more about the ancient history, about the Gods of the Vikings, their world and lives - well this may be the place you are looking for.

Sun carriage


The historical information found within the index section, are our interpretation of the many historical stories and papers written about this theme, which are based on archaeological findings dating back to the age of the Vikings. The interpretation has been based on material original written in the Danish language. We have chosen to write the content in an easy and non intellectual version, so even very young children will be able to read and understand the context of our interpretation of the Nordic Mythology.
Among the material found within this historical corner, you will find a few free translations from the book "Nordiske Guder & Helte" written by "Anders Bæksted", and which have been verified by the proff. in history about religions "Jens Peter Schiødt" from the University of Århus - Denmark.