Maelorwen's Tower Room

"Magean! They're here!"
"Maelorwen, did you bring them up with you?" asked Magean.
"Yes. This is Billy and Anna."boygirl
"Billy, Anna. Nice to meet you. We're glad that you arrived safely."
"Thank you, but could you tell us why we are here?" inquired Billy.
"Yes we can. Magean and I are in need of your assistance." Maelorwen stated.
"Actually, the everyone is in need of your help," added Magean.
"How can we help, we've never even been here before?" asked Anna.
"You see, it is our serving girl, Medi, she has been taken. She's not only our serving girl but she is also our Apothecary." Maelorwen said.
"Your Apothe...what?" asked Billy.
"Our Apothecary, that means she's in charge of our medicinal supplies." answered Magean.
"Why do you need an Apothecary if you're a wizard and sorceress?" questioned Anna.
"Well, even magic needs help sometimes, and also many of the herbs and things that she has in her room are also used for some of our spells." said Magean.
"How can we help?" Billy said inquisitively.
"We need you to find her." Magean said matter of factly.
"If you can't find her, how can you expect us to find her?"
"We are in the middle of the harvest so no one can leave. Besides, the person that has her does not know you so they probably would not be leary of you."
"Who has her and why?"
"Amlodd has her at his castle. He has her because his Apothecary ran off with a gypsy and he need a new one. Medi is the best Apothecary in the land so he took her. You must find her soon, because after she has been in his castle one week the official waiting period is over and then he can marry her, and once they are married we can never get her back."
"Maybe she wants to marry him," said Anna.
"No, definately not. Medi is to marry Eufad the cooper after the harvest and before Samhain," replied Maelorwen.
"We'll help, but where do we start?" Anna said excitedly.
"We're just waiting on..." Magean started when suddenly there was a big poof of silvery dust and there appeared another wizard.
Jervis"Magean, Maelorwen, friends" the wizard nods his head at everyone.
"Jervis, we were just saying that we were waiting on you and POOF, you're here," Maelorwen said.
"Your raven told me it was an emergency, I felt that called for a little magical transportation."
"Amlodd has taken Medi. We need you to go along, perhaps in disguise with Billy and Anna to find her and bring her back."
"She hasn't been gone a week yet has she? You know if she's been gone a week then it's hopeless."
"She just disappeared yesterday. We didn't feel it was necessary to summons you until we knew that Billy and Anna had arrived."
"So right. I was very busy in my castle, but I can definately help now. What should I disguise myself as?"
"Anything will do. We just want to make sure that they are watched over. We are going to give Billy and Anna a set of crystals and the shield, but thought we'd be safe and send you along also." "Marvelous idea, I'm always up for an adventure!" Shield"Billy, you should take this shield. It is very powerful and magical and will keep both you and Anna safe as long as you are behind it. If Amlodd or any of his people ask, just say you found it in the Caves. Here is a cyan crystal for each of you. If you get seperated you can place the crystal to your forehead, think of the other person and you will see them, what they are doing and where they are at in your mind." Maelorwen instructed.
"Wow, this is all so neat! I think this is going to be fun!" Billy exclaimed.
"Fun, yes it could be fun, but it is serious business and you must always be alert and careful," Magean warned.
"Magean, Princess Madlen has loaned us her Magical Princess Pony for Billy and Anna to ride while they are on their journey." stated Maelorwen.
Magical Princess Pony"Great! Billy and Anna follow Jervis out of the castle and to the yard, Princess Madlen's Pony will meet you there," instructed Magean.
"Let's go Billy, I can't wait to ride a Magical Pony and even more importantly we need to find Medi fast so that she can be happy again here with all of her friends," Anna said anxiously. Jervis led Anna and Billy through the castle and into the yard where they climbed on the back of Princess Madlen's Magical Pony and were off in search of Medi.

Can you help Billy, Anna, and Jervis rescue Medi from Amlodd before it's too late. Search the Land of Enchantment for Medi and if you find her you can take her back to your castle so that you too can have an Apothecary.

You may also take the cooper, the smith, the boy, the girl and the shield for your own castle. Take them all or just take a few. You may name the people anything you would like. Just don't forget to help rescue Medi!

Back to the Land of Enchantment

This back ground is a "Snugg's Original" (4 kids mom made it) you may use it just link back to 4 Kids Land of Enchantment

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