August 1999

Update 8/31/99: I think we are putting along at a nice pace, don't you? Today I started work on several new pages and fineshed up some! Check out our Brand spanken new chicken page! Learn a bit about my birds, or chickens in general. Tomarrow proofing on the chicken pages will be taken care of, enjoy! Also for you Creatures 3 peaple we have a little FAQ page now, but it's not exactly wonderfull seeing that C3 isn't out yet.

Update 8/30/99: Well, still doing the hidden updates at the moment, but I did complete Mew and Kanguskan's eports. Read up on their tallets and short comeings. Also a pokemon training FAQ has been added. Expect Chancey and Mewtwo soon, also the first few chapters of our very own pokemon fan fic will be posted soon, I am shure you will like it. It's much better then the ones you often see. Also go to the disclamer page for interesting background and banner combo. It's all about Loyers!

Update 8/29/99: I moved last weeks updates to the old news page. My dad couldn't proof yesterday so thats what I'll be doing today. Also I will be doing more invisable web page clean up so that updates will be easyer. Also expect to see some new backgrounds and pages within the next week or so.

Update 8/28/99: Well today I have gotten the News page and the oh so entertaining disclamer page together, lol. I know they aren't real neet, but hey they do have 3D art on them if your bord. I'll also be dragging my Dad threw a mager spell checking trip as well as cleaning out old files, you probubly won't notess mush of it though.

Update 8/27/99: Like the new look so far? Our update column won't always have great spelling, but the rest of the site should. We will keep up to one week's updates on the main page, after that look in the News Archive page for older updates. Below the update info is the list of the branches of RA with links to them. While we get this page up and running go here for the old one. Thanks for coming, oh and did I mention we have daily updates now?