September 1st - November 13 1999
Update 11/13/99: At last, I'm caugh up in school (I was real sick for a bit) anyways i'll try and start updateing dailly again, but weekly is more likely. The creatures page is currently under work, enjoy.

Update 10/3/99: Please cick on the image below for daily updates. YAH! The Chicken Page is Done, The Fish, Dog and Mage NetMonster Pages are Done AND Ettin Grendles and Freinds Archive is done! You can now download our old object data files and the entire Silver Earthen Norn Set!!!! :D.

Update 9/27/99: Please cick on the image below for daily updates. Ok the chicken pages are done except of spelling and I only need to compleat one more Netmonster thing for this update. This set up methiod seems to be working well :). IMAGE REMOVED

Update 9/17/99: We are expereanceing booked time overload. Do to haveing a very limeted amount of time I have started a little thingy to help get this site running smoothly more effichently. Please click on the construction zone for future updates. Thanks.

Update 9/15/99: Ever notest how life seems to get really bad all at once. We are experenceing setbacks do to the fallowing. A) My mom's friends little bratts deleated my Pokemon game. Not only did it have many hand raised level 100, but it also had pokemon I traded for at a place 3 hours away from my house! Basicly, I can't fix it. SOB. B) NetMonsters had a mutation wave and I lost ALL my netmon. C) My teacher has my Creatures CDs for scientif study stuff in class. D) I have a ton of homework. E) I have this one teacher who seems to be out to kill me and so when I get home I am toatly stressed. F) I have to train my chickens for show. G) I have to bug a compony for sending me chicken vaccens with no instuctions! H) Windows 98 is acting up again. I) My life is falling apart. Thank you for understanding, I'll do my best to fix stuff up.

Update 9/11/99: At last, CL has release new C3 screan shots. Go to the Creatures 3 page to see it's updates.

Update 9/10/99: YAH! The New Pages on NetMonsters are now open! We aren't exactly done, but we have enuff to show them to you. Click on the link below to learn about and see the wonder of NETMONSTER!!! YAHHHHH!.

Update 9/6/99: Ok I got one of the Oddballz downloadz back on-line! Yah! Download your Cuttlequad today. I seem to have missplaced the other files (again) so give me a few dyays to relocate them on the old cluncker of a computer in the other room. Also, I just relised I never uploaded the spell checked FAQ so now, it all it's glory you can read the chicken FAQ. Also Today I uploaded chicken pictures. Go to the My chickens page to see them :D I am still at work on those new pages, thats for being pachent.

Update 9/15/99: Ever notest how life seems to get really bad all at once. We are experenceing setbacks do to the fallowing. A) My mom's friends little bratts deleated my Pokemon game. Not only did it have many hand raised level 100, but it also had pokemon I traded for at a place 3 hours away from my house! Basicly, I can't fix it. SOB. B) NetMonsters had a mutation wave and I lost ALL my netmon. C) My teacher has my Creatures CDs for scientif study stuff in class. D) I have a ton of homework. E) I have this one teacher who seems to be out to kill me and so when I get home I am toatly stressed. F) I have to train my chickens for show. G) I have to bug a compony for sending me chicken vaccens with no instuctions! H) Windows 98 is acting up again. I) My life is falling apart. Thank you for understanding, I'll do my best to fix stuff up.

Update 9/11/99: At last, CL has release new C3 screan shots. Go to the Creatures 3 page to see it's updates.

Update 9/10/99: YAH! The New Pages on NetMonsters are now open! We aren't exactly done, but we have enuff to show them to you. Click on the link below to learn about and see the wonder of NETMONSTER!!! YAHHHHH!.

Update 9/6/99: Ok I got one of the Oddballz downloadz back on-line! Yah! Download your Cuttlequad today. I seem to have missplaced the other files (again) so give me a few dyays to relocate them on the old cluncker of a computer in the other room. Also, I just relised I never uploaded the spell checked FAQ so now, it all it's glory you can read the chicken FAQ. Also Today I uploaded chicken pictures. Go to the My chickens page to see them :D I am still at work on those new pages, thats for being pachent.

Update 9/4/99: I've been getting a ton of page work done, infact I've uploaded it too, but I won't be opening it untill I finesh the bulk of it. AFter all, no point in putting it up if you have no clue what it is ;) Update 9/3/99: Sorry about not updateing yesterday. The new pages are taken longer then I thought and if I wan't to get everything together I'm going to have to skip uploading and such every now and then. You may notest Grab Em Net Monsther Buttons on some of the pages now. They will tie in with one of the new sections once I get it together. Also thanks to thouse who informed me that Oddballz and Petz 1 breeds are down. I'll try and get them back up by the end of the weekend. SO anyways. If we miss an update, don't panic. We are just working on things and will have one again shortly ;). Update 9/1/99: Getting a bunch of hidden stuff done. Sorry nothing neet.