Warning: If you are here then you agree that I cannot be held at fault
should you damage your hardware as this is untested/unprove content.

Ok...... Now on with the info! This is a super short super simple mod guide
to turn a ICST 9250-10A into a 9250-10B. I have long known there is nothing
different about the two and that both were really the same chip.. only that
A had support for 66-88MHz and B for 100MHz-133MHz.. while looking over the
papers today I noticed the super simple thing that said if the chip was to
act like an A or a B. This will work for all motherboards using this
PLL-IC and is very simple. If this is used along with the HIP6021 DC/DC
on an Trigem Cognac/Cognac+ Anaheim2/2a/3 or any other motherboard
with both the ICS 9250-10 PLL-IC and Harris HIP6021 DC/DC Converter
make for one hell of an overclocking combination. This may also fix the
problem with some older cognac's that seem to not to want to auto-select
the 100MHz FSB when a 100MHz FSB CPU is placed into the motherboard.

Note(1): Cognac+ support isnt offical. Im not sure if trigem used the same
PLL-IC (Clock Generator) and/or DC/DC Converter as the Cognac... However
I do believe they did. If you own a Cognac+ Please check and let me know.
Update(1): Id like to report that the Cognac+ does infact use this PLL-IC.

Note(2): I see a small mistake and Id like to fix it. Its not with the
info but how I labled something.. when I say "9250-10A" and "9250-10B"
the A/B doesnt talk about a revision number but the "naming" guide SMB
software that accesses the pll-ic use.. they call it "A" when FS0 is set
to 0 and "B" when FS0 is set to 1.. sorry for any confusion I might have
caused.. however all the info is still the same.. So just note than when
I say A/B Im refering to the setting of FS0 and not to a revision number.

Tools Needed:
1x Soldering Iron
1x New very small/fine tiped solder tip
1x Some solder lead
1x 10K Resistor. If you dont have a 10K resistor around..
                           Something close to it should work.
1x Something small enough to pull on the small pin of a SMD chip.
Small wires or something to connect pins.
Some free time.

Before doing this you should remove the motherboard from the case and
remove everything from the motherboard (such as cpu and ram and such)
just to be safe and for extra free space. Make sure youre discharged
of any static electricity and wear an anti-static wrist strap.

It should be noted I havent tested this and its only theory.
If you test this and find it to work please please email me at:
enigmadeadsouls at yahoo dot com (replace "at" with "@" and "dot" with "."
I do that so the spam bots do not pick up my email address).

Send me pictures (keep them small) of your moded ICST 9250-10 PLL-IC
and give me your website info if you wish for me to post it at the
bottom of this page.

Here is an Image of the ICST 9250-10 Pin-out.
ICST 9250-10 Pin-Out

Here is a picture of the supported clock speeds.
ICST 9250-10 Clock Speeds
As you can see FS0 is what makes the difference in A or B. However It was
designed mostly for use for either a 66MHz cpu or 100MHz cpu.. which is
why it doesnt have the correct 133MHz PCI/AGP deviders. However if youre
doing this with a 66MHz FSB CPU hitting 100MHz is good in itself..
however expect to need to up the cpu voltage and use much better cooling
such as a copper heatsink with high output fan... maybe even a pelter
or some sort of "major" cooling might be needed. However the stock
cooling that came with your machine chances are IS NOT enough.

Here is a picture of where it tells what FS0 needs to be set to for
either 66MHz CPUs or 100MHz CPUs.
ICST 9250-10 Select Functions
0 = 66MHz
1 = 100MHz

Here is a picture of the Mod. See what Ive done is a jumpering setup.
See what you do is disconnect FS0 (Pin 28) from the motherboard.. then
to a wire that which will connect to the center pin in a jumper block.
However you will need to use a 10K resistor somewhere inbetween FS0
and the center pin of the jumper block as shown in the picture.
Then you will connect one of the side pins in the block to VDD4 (Pin 27).
Then the last pin to GND 4 (Pin 24).
ICST 9250-10 Jumper Mod
Red = 1, Blue = 0, Purple = FS0. (yes I know "purple" looks kind of "pink")
To set FS0 to 1(100MHz) Jumper the center pin with the VDD4 pin.
To set FS0 to 0(66MHz) Jumper the center pin with the GND4 pin.

Wrote up at:23:06 PM EST - Revision 0.2 - Fixed typos where 9250-10 was said as 9520-10.
                    01:35 AM EST - Revision 0.1
                    04:40 AM EST - Revision 0
Wrote up on:Tuesday, January 07, 2003 - Revision 0.2 - Fixed typos where 9250-10 was said as 9520-10.
                     Monday, December 09, 2002 - Revision 0.1
                     Saturday, December 07, 2002 - Revision 0
Wrote by: Enigma Deadsouls
Website: http://www.oocities.org/enigmadeadsouls

Names/Info from people who have emailed me their test results:
None at this time.

You are free to mirror this page as long as you give me credit and do not change
any of the info unless you ask me first... however youre free to change text
font,size,color background color/image to match youre site. Youre also free to
remove my navigation bar at the bottom of this page as Im sure it would be
pointless on your site... in other words Im ok with changes as long as its not
to the info unless otherwise aproved by me. Also if you mirror it email me and
give me a link and Ill link to it here.

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