Academic Stuff


This section of my webpage is dedicated to Concordia University and my impressions of it. For those who don't know, Concordia University is located here in the city of Montreal. For those who don't know any kind of geography at all (you know, the thing that deals with maps and stuff), Montreal is in the province of Quebec which is part of a country called Canada (at least for the moment). If you're still lost, then you must have missed that "Basic Practical Knowledge" turn off a few miles back. Concordia has 2 Campuses: Sir George William Campus and Loyola Campus.


Sir George William Campus is located at 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd West.









The Loyola Campus is located at 7141 Sherbrooke St. West.


I am in my third year and currently majoring in Journalism and Philosophy. If you are interested at all in Concordia University or my thoughts on Concordia University, you may want to check out the following:


My thoughts on the Journalism Program

Teacher Reviews

My First Publication!

My Second Publication!

Helpful Hints for Students Coming to Concordia

Lipton Lemon Iced Tea


If you're not interested in Concordia University at all, then you probably haven't read this far anyway. If you did (for some freakish reason) then.... well.... you're weird.



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