Rant & Roar

"Now I don't want to get off on a rant here, but...." -Dennis Miller


Here is my Rant and Roar page. My rants vary in length depending on how I feel and how much I have to say about each issue. Once again, I'd like to point out that I am not trying to offend anyone in particular. This is just me blowing off some steam.


Topic: Religious Fanatics

I chose this topic for my first rant because it ties in with a lot of other rants I plan to do, so I figure I should deal with the issue as a whole first. Also, I just saw the movie Dogma which got smashed by religious fanatics (you can check out my review of it in my Movie Page section). Before I get into anything, I need to clarify what I mean by a 'religious fanatic'. This is not referring to anyone who believes in god(s). Having faith does not make one a fanatic. This is also not referring to those who are religious. Being a Rabbi or Priest does not make one a religious fanatic. A religious fanatic is someone who tries to push his or her religion onto others. Religious fanatics are the ones who outwardly protest gay rights and who picket outside of abortion clinics because God said it was wrong. I should tell you straight out that most of the examples I give refer to Christian fanatics in North America. I am not targeting Christianity specifically, it's just that most of the examples I know of happen to involve Christian fanatics. This rant applies to ALL religious fanatics however. Now, if you believe that abortion is wrong and that homosexuality is unnatural, then that's your business. You don't need to become a homosexual or get an abortion, but if you want to start forcing others to follow your beliefs just because you're "not comfortable" with them, then too bad. You have no right to tell others what they should or should not do based on your belief system.

I am sick and tired of religious fanatics using the law to suit their own needs but disregarding it when it applies to others. When Dogma came out, many Catholics claimed that this movie violated their freedom of religion. If religious fanatics are not permitted to shout their religion from any street corner, they will scream that it is a violation of their right to free speech. Now, being paranoid about losing one's freedom is acceptable, or at least understandable. What really pisses me off, is when these same religious fanatics go and complain that others have the same rights that they do. A perfect example is the religious fanatics who oppose gay marriage or abortion. I'm not going to go deeply into either of these topics because I'll probably do separate rants about them. If a religious fanatic's rights are violated, they will let everyone know about it, but god-forbid that others have these rights also!

This particular paragraph is targeted mostly to Christian and Jewish fanatics, because I know bits of the bible, but not the Koran or other religious texts. A religious fanatic might (and probably will) quote The Bible as justification for his or her actions. That is a poor, poor excuse for their actions as far as I'm concerned. The Bible mentions a lot of things which people simply ignore or dismiss. The Bible actually states that if your prayer shawl doesn't have fringes, then you are to be put to death. While Jewish prayer shawls do have fringes, you are clearly not put to death if you don't wear one. Most Christians don't use prayer shawls at all. Why is this passage not followed to the letter or at all, while the passage which refers to gays and lesbians is taken seriously?

If any religious fanatic is reading this, then listen up:

Rights and freedom don't apply only to you. If you want the law to respect your way of life, then the law should respect other people's way of life also. What gives you the right to get married, but not a gay or lesbian couple? Just because your religion says abortion is wrong, doesn't mean you have the right to limit the freedom of a pregnant woman.

Let us suppose for a moment that your religion is correct. Say God(s) will punish those who are gay or who get an abortion, that still has nothing to do with you. You do not speak or act for God. To believe that you do, is arrogant and conceited. You are not judge, jury and executioner. If God disapproves, then it is up to him and him alone to pass judgement.

For all you Christian fanatics out there, Jesus died for your sins. There is no passage of the bible that states that Jesus died for your sins, but not for the sins of gays and lesbians.

You are all hiding behind your religions. If you don't like a way of life, then don't use your religion as an excuse to judge it. Instead of finding reasons to condemn those who are different, why not try to accept them instead?


I feel much better now that I've vented.


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