Rant & Roar

"Now I don't want to get off on a rant here, but...." -Dennis Miller


Here is my Rant and Roar page. My rants vary in length depending on how I feel and how much I have to say about each issue. Once again, I'd like to point out that I am not trying to offend anyone in particular. This is just me blowing off some steam.


Topic: The Rewarding of Stupidity

When a company makes a faulty or dangerous product, someone will always get hurt. It's not a question of 'if', it's a question of 'when', and when it happens, people are going to want the company to pay for it. We take these cases to court and, hopefully, the company is forced to pay for its sloppiness. Unfortunately, this system of trying to force companies to produce quality products is being reduced to nothing more than a lottery for morons. People have decided to use the legal system as a way of forcing others to pay for their own stupidity.

Companies are forced to pay people huge sums of money, not because there was anything wrong with their product, but because people were just too stupid to know how to use it properly. Why should Coke have to pay money to a moron who shook the Coke Machine until it fell on him? Should we delay court cases which actually matter because some idiot couldn't realize that the sharp rotating part of the chainsaw wasn't suppose to go near his face?

We hear of these cases all the time. Anyone remember the McDonalds Coffee Lady? This is a woman who sued McDonalds because she burned herself on their coffee. Of course, she happened to be driving with the coffee between her legs at the time. I believe that not only should McDonalds not have paid this woman, but she shouldn't be allowed to buy coffee anymore. If you're not smart enough to realize that a) unless it's specifically called ICED-coffee, then it's suppose to be hot, and b) Hot coffee shouldn't be anywhere near your crotch, then you shouldn't be given access to it anymore. Her argument is that "the lid wasn't screwed on properly". Here is a free piece of advice for everyone: No matter how well sealed the container is, don't keep any kind of hot coffee near a part of your body that is absolutely necessary for sexual reproduction.

As a result of these constant donations to the stupidity fund, companies have started putting warning labels on all their products to avoid being sued. This is costing them even more money that they shouldn't have to pay. If people need directions on packages of chewing gum, then they should be removed from society. If the concept of chewing gum is too complex for some people to grasp, then what happens if these same people get a hold of a knife or a car?

Look, we all do stupid things. That's life. It doesn't mean we have to force other people to pay for it. If I trip over something in a department store, I'll feel embarrassed and annoyed, but I'll get up and move on with my life. I won't sue the store. I don't know about you, but I want less people to know about my stupid mistakes, not more. If you do something stupid, just accept it like the rest of us and leave the courts out of it. They actually have relevant cases to deal with.


I feel much better now that I've vented.


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