The Terminator

Director: James Cameron

Genre: Arnie Movie (obviously)

Released: 1984


Arnie conquered the past in Conan the Barbarian and Conan the Destroyer, he conquered the old west in The Villain and he beat down the gods in Hercules in New York. It was now time for him to take on the future. The Terminator is a landmark film not only because it's Arnie's first Science Fiction movie, but also because this is Arnie's first role as the villain. It's also the first of many legendary team ups between himself and writer/director James Cameron. So, what do you get when you team up an incredible movie star with an incredible writer and director? A damn good movie, that's what! The popularity of this movie spawned a sequel which many consider to be one of the best Sci-Fi movies ever made. The movie tells the story of a woman who is being hunted by a relentless robot (or Terminator) from the future that will stop at nothing to kill her. This is the movie which made Arnie famous as a walking death machine.... er.... I mean as a ROBOTIC walking death machine. This is a fantastic film which should not be missed by anyone who is a fan of Arnold's, James Cameron or Science Fiction Films.