Ravens Rook

Stormravens Castle


Welcome to Raven’s Rook and Stormraven’s Castle.

My name is Stuart Sanders, and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Raven’s Rook is the name I use for my more professional work.  You’ll find Raven’s Rook on my novels, my short stories and my articles.  All works with the Raven’s Rook imprint are © Stuart Sanders.

Stormraven’s Castle is the name I use for my personal works.  The Stormraven’s Castle imprint can be found on my fan fiction, RPG articles, supplements and games.  Much of the work found with the Stormraven’s Castle imprint is also © Stuart Sanders, but some will be working under fair use of another’s copyright.

If you wish to use any of the information on the following pages, please ask first, and check the copyrights.  If it’s not my copyright, then I wouldn’t suggest using it.  Fair use only goes so far.


To contact me:

Personal:  Strmravn@aol.com

Raven’s Rook:  Erik_Nocturne@Yahoo.com