cast Right Now Date: 11.08.03 Time: 7:28p.m. Watching: nothing Hearing: the sound of my parents & cousin watching a movie Feeling: Eating: nothing Drinking: nothing Talking to: no one at the moment because i'm "away"
11.08.03 // Saturday
| I have a website again! Yay? :D I'm not sure exactly why; I've just been looking at a couple of sites today and thought I'd get mine back up. Just a warning though: I might not be able to update it very much because of school and stuff like that. But I will occassionally (<-- did I spell that right?). -- Well, this weekend has been pretty good so far. The Judson College Choir came to our church yesterday and gave us a concert! It was AWESOME - they are really good! Then they all stayed with different families from our church. In my house there were 5 guys: Dan, Faith, Nach (I really don't know how to spell his name - but that's how it sounds! :/), Ben, and Tyler. They were all really nice and cool guys! :) It was fun. :D -- Alright then. I'm gonna go, and possibly work more on my site. ;) --Erin posted for the first time in YEARS @ 7:35 p.m. |