March 31, 2005 "The power of frailty is always more potent, in the long run, than the power of power." Joan Chittister It seems like people are dying a lot lately. It's like the seasons I guess, people are born and people die. I am refering ofcourse to the controversial issue of Terri Schiavo, who passed away today, and to the Pope who is very near death (so near that a Mexican Senator accidentally announced his death in a national senate meeting.)I can't give my opinion on either case but I do hope that peace replaces hate and pain and suffering. In the Schiavo story, especially, I pray that the families will find peace knowing that their daughter/sister/wife is not suffering anymore. It's just all very sad and in their case, I am reminded of when I had to make the decision to take my mother off of life support. Because she was on a breathing machine, her chest rose and fell and she looked like she was sleeping. But my sister and I knew that she was gone. It broke my heart to see my little sister watch her die. I understand that feeling, that wish for a miracle or a sign that the doctors are wrong. I wanted it with my mother and wanted it even more when it was time to make the same decision for my sister. When you see someone you love in a coma, your heart breaks into tiny pieces and you have to think about what your loved one would want. My mom and sister were clearly gone- it was not debated in the way that Terri Schiavo's case was debated. Their eyes were not open and they did not respond. I found out just recently that my sister was off the record declared dead by the doctors and that they simply waited for me to arrive at the hospital to say goodbye and to decide on organ donation, before they took her off the machines. It is something that I wish no one ever has to go through. And so my deepes wish tonight is that everyone who loved her finds peace and lets love back into their hearts to replace the anger and hate. And I pray for the Pope too. I'm not Catholic but I know that he means a lot to millions of people and I know that he is in his last days. I hope that he finds peace. I'm glad that it is the weekend. I have a lot of studying to catch up on. I just wanted to make some kind of comment on these two current events, events that are just so tragic they are hard to even talk about. It's 1:08am and I'm going to go back to bed. I'm outta here!
You scored as Goofy. Your alter ego is Goofy! You are fun and great to be around, and you are always willing to help others. You arn't worried about embarrassing yourself, so you are one who is more willing to try new things.
March 30, 2005 "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter" ~e.e. cummings~ I finished my paper (yay!) and got another one of those "holy grail of an email" emails that my 6-10pm class for tomorrow is canceled! woohoo!! Well even so I have to use the time to study and stuff but that's wonderful news! Anyway, Dennis did not have any problems returning the sweater, which astounds me. Couldn't they tell that it atleast carried his strong cologne scent?? Well anyway they let him exchange, no questions asked! So things aren't nearly as stressful as I thought they'd be- isn't that so normal? You worry and worry and worry and then once you get things done, like a paper, you wonder why you worried at all in the first place :) Whatever. I decided to start back up again with Wednesday's Wishes- 1. I wish that my Dad does change while he is in jail. 2. I wish that I would not have any more homework. 3. I wish I could figure out how to download MP3s for free again. 4. I wish my husband was home more often. 5. I wish they would stop talking about the Jackson trial. It is not very exciting. Soooo it's 12:43 am and I'm going to go to bed and watch TV with Dennis (who is actually studying) so I'm outta here!
You scored as Winter. You are WINTER. You're more introspective, thinking deeply, feeling deeply. You love nothing better than to enjoy one on one time with those who are important to you. You are cautious, and sometimes second guess yourself. Dreams, though you have them, are a luxury, because life is not a plaything.
March 29, 2005 Another lazy day... I have two papers to write for Thursday so tomorrow I will be much busier. But it was nice to relax. I've been having a lot of anxiety lately and I am not quite sure why so it was nice to just take care of little things today like washing our towels and vaccuuming. (who knew that could be therapeutic?) My husband is hilarious. He bought a sweatshirt at his university and decided after wearing it more than once that it's too small. So he is going to try to return it. Dennis!! I told him that no one is going to accept a shirt that is worn! He doesn't think they will even notice. Isn't it a cardinal rule of shopping that if you wear it outside of your house, you can no longer return it??? Anyway, I got a letter today from my Dad, who was arrested on my birthday. He says that he is reading the Bible and that he is okay and all and that makes me feel good. I was a little mad at him for getting arrested on my birthday because he always forgets my birthday but he wrote me dated on my birthday and that made me feel better. That's the thing of it all- everyone expects him to continue being an alcoholic after he is released and everyone expects the worst but if no one has hope that a miracle will happen and he will change, then how can we say we believe in God? I know the statistics- addicts almost always go back to their addiction. But I'm praying for a miracle. And we also got letters from the girls in Chile. They wrote the sweetest notes to me saying that I am not a wicked stepmother and I think it is so cute that they consider me their friend. Cristina, the youngest, drew her Dad a picture of the corrective foot treatment she is undergoing and it's nice to know that they still look up to him as their prince charming. They are still little girls after all :) Not much else to talk about. I have one month left of my first semester of grad school and I am nervous that I won't be able to do my best when it becomes tough but I know that I am a better student than I give myself credit for so I'll be okay. The book I have to review for my Biblical Interpretation class is sooooo boring though- it is basically a book about how the early Christians interpreted the Bible and how they connected Jesus to Old Testament scripture- he was, after all, crucified and that was not expected! Basically they were surprised that Jesus was Savior and resurrected, as he promised, and so they had to make sense of it all by re-looking at the Bible. But I don't even get the chance to really talk about that. This boring book is more about the techniques they used. I don't reccommend it at all. (LOL- my dad wrote that all the books in jail are boring. I wrote back "well they are supposed to be boring!! You are in jail!!) Well, it's 10:27pm and I'm going to go to watch the news in bed with Dennis, so I'm outta here!
March 25, 2005
"Faith. Hope. Love. Those are their names, of course, those three- as words so worn out, but as realities so rich." -Frederick Buechner, "The Sacred Journey"
All I have to say is that yesterday was amazing. A car picked me up and drove me to my sister's school and they arranged the school theater in a way I can't explain and I don't have photos of it so you will have to wait until the show airs- in june or july- it was just amazing. The cheer team was there and there was a host and the lead singer of "The Calling" sang acoustic of "Wherever you will go" in my sister's honor and I had my own trailer and I got to keep the clothes and I got to meet an olympic snowboarder who received a liver transplant as well as the four wonderful people who received Kim's organs. I have a photo of me and the nice man who has Kim's kidney (one of them)- his name escapes me right now and I feel terrible for that but he is such a nice man. I told him I was just so thankful that he could live longer to see his grandchildren grow. And I got to meet the families- the daughter of the woman who has Kim's heart is just so sweet. It was all just really nice. There are a lot of surprises that I don't want to give away because I want everyone to see the show and to see how things develop. It was a really wonderful tribute to my sister though. So I will post some pictures in my photo journal I won't put in all of them, but some of them and you can atleast see how happy I look. It was just so important of a day, I can't put it into words, to tell my sister's story. I will give away one secret- the high school is dedicating a tree in my sister's honor! And the driver, Donna, was so nice. She is from Poland and she said such nice things about me and we had such a wonderful conversation during our drive to and from that I gave her one of my roses- she was telling me about how some actors and models are so rude (surprise surprise) and I wanted her to know that not everyone is rude. It was a very touching day. The woman who received Kim's liver is an author who is going to write a book about her story- she was literally 2 weeks away from death! It's kind of a sign to Dennis and I, you know, that with tragedy comes blessings and that God can turn evil into beauty and goodness. I'm so proud that she helped these people. And I'm proud that I was given the opportunity to speak to her friends about drinking and driving and about things like organ donation- just to talk about it, even if you don't agree for religious reasons or whatever- and also just about how important it is to tell your friends and family how much you care about them, because you never know. Your mother or whoever may drive you crazy but it might be the last time you get to see her. It made me feel so blessed. Well, I don't know for sure if my message board is on the fritz or whatever but hopefully it will come back on. Regardless, It is 11:58 and the end of "Good Friday" and I'm outta here"
March 23, 2005
No rain yet today, knock on wood. Anyway, I found this quiz on Miriam's blog
Interesting. Okay. Well than. Dennis will be at school all night tonight. It's cute- he's taking biology and he hates it because he will not allow himself to be compared to a monkey. Honestly, I don't think we are monkeys. But scientific studies show that we share very very similar DNA with monkeys and other animals. That is one reason why they do animal testing, because we are so similar. But Dennis is stubborn and he told me earlier that he has full on intentions of arguing this with his teacher. I am rolling my eyes. But it's fun to have these discussions with him. We were talking the other day about how a great deal of our arguments are about things like this. Well we argue about stupid things like taking out the trash too, but we also spend a lot of time arguing about things like current events and politics and religion and things we are learning in school. I hope that we always have these kind of arguments. And I took my exam today. It went well. I couldn't quite remember everything and the fact that he let me use my Bible didn't really help so much but that's okay. It's done and over with. And when I came home, I got another phone call from "Wardrobe"- she wanted to know what colors I usually wear (light colored tops and dark pants usually), my skin tone (White as white can be), if I had any pantyhose (nope!) and if I knew my hose size (nope!) and if I had any special jewelry (I'm bringing the pearls that my mother gave me for my wedding) and she said for me to bring any shoes that I have that I thought might go with either a skirt or pants (and I told her my preference for pants). We shall see how all of this goes.... So it's 5:38pm and that's all I have to say so I'm outta here!
March 22, 2005
It's raining so hard I can hardly hear the television!! I put up a new photo to show you how its raining so hard that you almost can't see!! (you can see the photo by clicking HERE) I couldn't walk outside! Anyway, it's been a lazy day for me, listening to this rain. I'm going to make some hot tea ready though, for when Dennis comes home. It's pretty bad outside! I wanted to say thank you to all of you for your sweet words about my earlier post. That's why you guys are so wonderful as friends :) So tomorrow I have a big exam and then Thursday is the BIG day when we do more filming and get to meet the rest of the people who received Kim's organs. A woman from "Wardrobe" called me today and I'm a little nervous because she even asked my shoe size! But kinda excited because maybe they will have some nice clothes for me to wear. (Just no dresses!! It's too cold for dresses!!) Oh my nose is starting to run LOL. Sooo I'm going to go take some allergy meds and wait for my hubby.It's 4:17pm and I'm outta here!
March 19, 2005
"Never question the truth of what you fail to understand for the world is filled with wonders" ~ The white pearl in "The Wizard of Oz" as quoted by Frederick Buechner in "The Sacred Journey" Day two of rain. It sounds gloomy but I really like it. I like being inside under the electric blanket. I know it only adds to my sedentary lifestyle and I know I could be doing Pilates or something but when it rains I feel like a cat and I delight in just really not doing anything. Well, I have been reading. I have to read the above mentioned book for my religion and vocation class and so far it reads like a book of poetry. He talks about how moments in our lives and people we have met for better or for worse have made sacred moments in our lives. I'm only in the second chapter and I'm still very interested which is good because this is required and I have to write a book review on it later. Today I watched one of those plastic surgery shows on TV and it was really touching. It was about two women getting breast reconstruction surgery after breast cancer. One woman said after, "I want to devour life". I, who have been feeling quite sorry for myself lately, was encouraged by her faith in living. I want to be that excited! And it made me think of a passage in 1 Peter of the New Testament where he talks about how women should not worry about their outer beauty. I know the context of the passage but bringing it into the context of my life, I started to remind myself in my journal about what really matters- my health, my relationships, and really my inner beauty as trite as that may sound. I know because I know myself, that I will probably forget and re-remind myself of this because I'm only 23. I'm still a long way away from the wise woman I will one day be. But I'd like to think that if I tell myself this long enough, that I will start to think again about what's important instead of worrying so much about how ugly I think I am and how much weight I've gained. And even if I've gained all this weight, who says I can't lose it? I guess my biggest fear is that one day I will become my mother, who died at almost 300 pounds and really died because of her weight- all the problems associated with it like the sleep problems and the breathing problems and the digestion problems and the heart problems. I don't want to die like that. I remember she was so heavy she actually was losing inches because the cushioning in her knees was grinding away and she couldn't support her weight anymore. And really, she was past the point of weight watchers and curves and going to the gym and "why don't you just drink water". She was at that point where she needed to have serious surgery and the doctors were even afraid to do that. I remember that her goal after her knee surger, which was when she died, was to get the stomach surgery where they make your stomach smaller. She suffered so much. I just don't want to be like her. But I guess I'm normal. No one wants to make the same mistakes their parents made. And I am different. I see already in my life how my life patterns are different, how my life choices are different. I just can't give up like she did. So I will look in the mirror, as Luciana so kindly suggested, and see all the beautiful things inside and I will remind myself of what is really important. And I will be thankful for little things like my husbands hugs and the sound of the rain and good friends who always make me feel better when I feel down. It's a novel of a blog entry today. I just felt like writing, I guess. I am very very glad that today is Saturday.And it's 8:27pm. My hubby is studying in one room and I'm "studying" in the other so I guess I should be outta here!
March 18, 2005 I love St.Patrick's day and I'm sad it's over. It's one of my favorite holidays. I get so mad when people don't wear green :) Anyway, my class generally liked the idea of putting guacamole on hotdogs but I have to say that more boys than girls were willing to try it. It sounds strange to us in the United States I suppose because we associate guacamole with Mexican food. But really what my husband makes isn't guacamole anyway because he doesn't add spices. It's really just advocado (palta as they say in Chile and Argentina) and tomatoes and a little mayonaise or however you spell "mayo". So it was a good thing that I brought mustard and ketchup and pickle relish. Anyway, I created another online photo album- HERE because posting them on geocities is too much space. I took a photo today of grey grey Pepperdine, which is worth looking at :) and more birthday photos. Gabriela asked how my sister died. She died in a car accident caused by a drunk driver who hit her van going the wrong way. He was a mexican ilegal campesino and so that has been hard, if you know how much tension there is about that. Anyway he died too. It's very hard because she was so young and she was so innocent- she was in a church van on the way to a retreat and just had no idea what hit her. It's a very sad story. So, I will try to blog around. I've been feeling as grey as the photo I shot today so maybe I will blog later.Anyway, it's 6:08pm and Dennis just got home so I'm outta here!
March 16, 2005 I hate reality shows. They are a waste of time. I am defining reality by a show where people do something crazy to get a prize. Case in point- Court TV's new show "Impossible Heists". Basically, it's "Fear Factor" but you don't have to eat anything gross. It's the action without the vomiting. And it is soooo boring. And it kinda pisses me off. Court TV is suppposed to be all forensics and dectective shows and solving crimes. It bugged me that they love "Cops" so much but I could see the relevance. This is like selling out. Did they run out of ideas? Are they thinking that this will reach a new audience?? Ugh. Today was uneventful. We got everything together because tomorrow we are going to finally meet with one of the church elders to help us do our taxes. (I think next year we are buying "turbo tax") and we went to the grocery store. And blah blah blah. We figured out that Bank of America is not the right bank for us and we are going to switch everything over to or Washington Mutual account. Which is probably good because it will help me to spend less. I haven't even activated my Washington Mutual debit card. We've just been thinking alot about where our money gets thrown away each month- things like bank fees and Jack in the Box. I always hate Wednesdays. I have to write two papers tomorrow, one requiring me going to the library. and I hate that St. Patrick's day is on Thursday. We both have class until 10pm and so no guinness for us. I'm wearin' green, you better believe that. But nothing else. I have to prepare a meal for my vocation class and I'm going to serve hotdogs "a lo italiano" - chileans love to eat hot dogs with advocado, tomato, and mayo in that order and it's supposed to look like the Italian flag. I'm going to bring chips in case people are squemish about putting guacamole on their hotdogs. It's actually really good :) So, it's 4:36 and I cannot sleep. But I'm gonna try. So I'm outta here!
March 14, 2005 The ceremony for the Organ Donation Company that honored donors and recipients was very nice and touching. It was amazing to me just how many organ donors- people who died and whose organs were donated- were from Latino families. I guess it makes sense because Los Angeles is more than 50% latino in its population. I got to hear some wonderful stories of people who were saved by receiving organs, by people who made the same decision that I had made in deciding to donate, and I was especially touched by the fact that you could just see in faces the people who had just recently lost their loved ones- you could just read it on their faces as everyone talked and the video montage was played. We sat next to a widow and her family and it was just heartbreaking to see them so broken. The interesting thing was remembering where I had been this time last year, in their place, unable to even attend the ceremony because I was so upset. it takes courage to go to these things because when you lose someone that you truly love and you feel like you can't get out of bed, to go and to share in suffering with others and to also see how people are living because of your decision, is just like walking in a dream. I am just starting to recognize, not necessarily accept, but recognize that my sister is no longer a part of this world in the way that I know her. A year ago, I was in complete denial. Another thing that was just heartbreaking was how many little children were honored. There were so many children, even babies, who were honored for donating organs. A story was told of a boy who died and his parents refused to donate his organs. In the same hospital, at the same time, was another little boy who was dying and waiting for a heart. Because the parents chose not to donate, this boy also died. It reminded me again of how my sister's death was just unspeakable but from it came four lives saved and from their lives saved are other lives touched- children, grandchildren, spouses, family members, friends- the list goes on and on. Can you imagine your child dying and another child living from that? I can't imagine it! I just cannot. I can hardly wrap my mind around the idea that every time I hug Gina, the woman who has Kim's heart, that Kim's heart is inside Gina. It's just so hard to even understand. Anyway, I am starting to feel the semester's crunch- papers, midterms, everything is starting to pile up and I am just praying to get through it and still function. I cleaned up the house today and I'm proud of myself for that because I get so tired that I eat, sleep, and study. I needed the exercise. So, life, atleast for this week, is normal. Which is good. I need normal.It's 5:11pm and I'm outta here!
March 13, 2005 Thank you all so much for the Happy Birthday wishes! Click HERE to see all the birthday gifts from my online friends! It was a nice and quiet birthday-we went to a chinese food restaurant because I have been craving chinese for like ever, and had cake, and Dennis bought me a digital camera!! I was hoping to post a photo with this entry of like, me blowing out the candles, but I still haven't taken the time to upload the photos and figure that all out. But it is probably the best gift I have ever had. I also wanted to post a link to some kind of memorial site because my birthday was also the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks in Spain- a friend from spain sent me this link-- El Mundo But I might be 2 days late in posting. Today we are going to a ceremony at UCLA to honor my sister and others who donated organs. There will be a film montage showing all the donors and then at the end, Dennis and I were asked to help release doves into the air for each of the people honored. I completely forgot that it was this weekend and I am kinda anxious about even going because I know it will be emotional but this is what I have to do to keep Kim's memory alive. And then I have to come home and study. Soooo hopefully I will be able to post some photos soon!Anyway, it is 8:09 am and I have to do some things for today so I'm outta here!
March 10, 2005 I miss the rain! Come back!! I want April Showers! I like El Nino! Okay, the floods and the devastation I don't want. But I miss the sound at night. And it kept the raccoons away! Well, I finished the paper that is due today and I have not woken up yet tonight with a low blood sugar. Just woke up out of habit. So this is good :)Today is one of those looong days. I have to go to class and meet with my academic advisor about registering for classes tomorrow (Friday). I'm going to take a "Theology of Marriage" class and something else. I'm not sure what- I might have to tae a harder religion classes like a class devoted to the whole book of Acts or to the Wisdom Literature or I might be able to take a more interesting class- there is a class about Ministry that I'm interested in. I don't want to be a minister but I believe that I can "minister" to people in how I treat them. I wonder if that is what the class goes into. I got a card from my cousin today with photos of her little boy Lazarus, who is almost 2. (He was born the week my mom died). He is soooooo cute! I remember back in the day blogging about how sad I was that she was pregnant because she is only 18 now (or maybe almost 18) but he is adorable and the pictures of them together show how he is a blessing in her life. She loves him and you can tell and that makes me a little jealous. And she looks so grown up!! I remember when she was like 7! Dennis says that after a woman has a child, she ages. Heidi doesn't look bad she just looks so much older than I remember! The last time we saw them was when my sister died. We drove from the hospital to my Aunt's home and Lazarus was just almost 2 months old. (and HEAVY!!) oh I wish I could scan a photo to show you how beautiful he is. Time flies. Sometimes too fast. no other news besides that! Los Angeles has to have a re-vote again this year (same thing happened 4 years ago.) for our mayor and a stupid soccor game between Mexico and Argentina interupted my telanovela schedule. I think Mexico actually beat Argentina. But it might have been a tie. So, It's 3:46am and I'm outta here!
March 09, 2005 I was nauseous and peeing all night and I started thing "hmm? baby?" and then I laughed~ I remembered that I am taking a lot of Ibuprofen lately and I took a diuretic for the bloating. Duh. So I ate some soda crackers and am fine now. I just woke up again because we have some very noisy neighbors. You see, Pepperdine's Malibu campus is set beautifully in the mountains. So we have deer and birds and BIG FAT RACOOONS (mapuches)
We also live near the dumpster and they climb the tree right outside our bedroom window to reach the roof so they can socialize. Or they climb down to go to the dumpster to look for a snack. And they are noisy little suckers! Anyway, I wanted to do my Wednesday Wishes 1. I wish that Luciana has peace and gets answers about her health 2. I wish I would stop waking up in the middle of the night with Low blood sugars 3. I wish that I will finish my paper due Thursday with ease. 4. I wish that someone will decide to rent out my mother in law's house because she needs the money 5. I wish that it would start raining again. I miss the rain. Well, that's it for now. I'm going to check my blood sugars and go back to bed. I'm outta here!
March 08, 2005 Suprise Gifts from Karin that made my morning
Thanks so much for the support for my PMS and for the feedback on the pages I made for my stepdaughters. It meant a lot to me to create those pages. Anyway, I feel better~ my dear husband drove me to the pharmacy at 8am yesterday, even though he was running late for work, so that I could buy some anti-inflammatories and some heating packs. And I think that going out and excercising helped to probably. But I am still not sleeping well and I'm still so emotional. (Maybe I'm always emotional and I'm just noticing it now.) Luciana sent me a forward powerpoint presentation that talked about breast cancer- I woke up in the middle of the night and checked my email and when I opened it and read it I just started BAWLING!! That's how sensitive I am right now. I literally woke my husband up and told him to call him mom to tell her to get a mammogram. And then I started crying because I started to think about all the poor women who don't have access to health care and things like mammograms. I'm a big sap lately. Anyway, today is my day off aka study day so I probably will just take it easy and relax while I do my reading for my class on Thursday. And of course, CourtTV. I gotta keep up on the Michael Jackson trial! LOL. So, it's 6:30 am and I'm outta here! Hubby has to get up in a half hour and I want to be awake to make him breakfast.
March 07, 2005 If menstrual cramps could kill.... I feel like I am going to die. I have not had cramps this bad in MONTHS atleast. Nausea, back pain, tummy pain, tension headaches, grumpiness. But my husband bought me flowers and the sweetest card today. It read There are moments/when we're doing/the most ordinary things, /like holding hands in the car,/or sitting next to each other/ just watching TV,/ and I'll look over/ to where you are, /get this silly little smile/ on my face/ and fall in love/with you/ all over again Awwwwwww. Well Done. Very well done. Anyway, I took this quiz that I found from Jennie's blog about vocabulary. It was something to do because these cramps are literally torturing me. :) The Commonly Confused Words Test You scored 93% Beginner, 93% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 72% Expert!
You have an extremely good understanding of beginner, intermediate, and advanced level commonly confused English words, getting at least 75% of each of these three levels' questions correct. This is an exceptional score. Remember, these are commonly confused English words, which means most people don't use them properly. You got an extremely respectable score. Meaning I can speak my own language. LOL. Anyway, it's really really late. It's 4:51 am and so I'm outta here!
March 06, 2005 I finally made the pages for my stepdaughters. I'm proud of them actually, because it reminds me that this website was originally created for our family and not just for me. I would like feedback on these pages so click HERE to view the pages. Anyway, I'm having problems sleeping again. Which makes me even more grumpy with poor Dennis. He stayed up almost all night with me trying to calm me down. I wasn't anxious or anything. I just could not sleep!! So yesterday we went shopping. Dennis had to buy a $100 calculator for his economics class and he took me to Ross, which was nearby. I found some comfy plush pants and some cute tops to wear to church. And he FINALLY bought some undershirts. I swear that man was wearing a t-shirt under his dress shirts that had a hole in the side the size of Texas. My nagging finally paid off. (bad wife! bad wife! I know, nagging is a major no-no. But if I don't say something, he will not buy himself new clothes!!) And today he did his prayer for communion. I was very proud of him and his accent is getting much much better and easier to understand. Right now he is at school with his economics study group. The professor said that if he came she would make sure that he was prepared for the quiz on Thursday. Very nice. Soooo I'm exhausted. I should be studying. But I'm exhausted. So it's 1:55pm and I'm going to go take a nap.
March 05, 2005 It didn't rain last night but Aunt Flo FINALLY came. Gracias a Dios!!!! I was getting a little worried that my 23 year old body was going pre menopausal!! (I think that is impossible but when your body decides to quit on you everyother month you start to freak out, even when you doctor says "it's perfectly normal" No. It's not normal. I'm bloated and grumpy and when nothing happens I continue to bloat and get grumpy for the rest of the month!! Anyway, I found out from that facebook site a friend I went to highschool with. As it turns out, I got married before the Mormons in our friendship circle. They will probably beat me at having babies but it really is ironic and funny to me because that was like their dream in high school- to go to BYU in Utah and marry a missionary. Buwahhahhhh. I beat them at that one! And I didn't even expect to find a husband! He found me!! There is NOTHING on TV. Not only is there NOTHING but I had a huge huge fight with Dennis last night over something really really stupid. (I blame PMS and now he is at work and I want to call him to apologize but I'm not going to because I'm stubborn and I was right. (it was a very stupid argument. I should be ashamed.) (I did get to finish watching the special on hazing last night. It was a repeat for like the 3rd time but bless court TV for re showing it!) Anyway, it didn't rain last night and I don't think it will rain today but I am hoping it rains on Monday and the campus is closed. Dennis has to pray for communion this Sunday. I'm really proud of him. That's a pretty big deal for someone with a thick accent. And it makes him feel valuable in our church community. Soooo, it's 11:26 and I'm going to go channel surf and relax. I'm outta here!
March 03, 2005
Rain, Rain.... Day 3 of rain.Still sounds nice at nighttime so it doesn't bother me yet. And it seems to really rain at night, so I'm not in the rain anyway. I feel guilty for the homeless though. It's cold outside!! My husband kicked off the covers just now and I put some socks on him. Does it matter that they are my chenille socks and a little girly? eh. He looks cute when he sleeps like a baby. Dennis had his other class today- economics. He says that as long as he gets the super expensive calculator and gets tight with the professor, he should be fine. I think its very fun. He says I act like a mom because I prepare his backpack and give him advice like "bring money cause your gonna want a snack". Well, he's lucky I have time to tell him these things because once I go back to school, I will be just as busy. (hmmm. I think there is some reading I need to catch up on...) Funny!!--> a show on one of the spanish channels. (I think telemundo) compared Usher and Michael Jackson today. As in, Usher is like Michael Jackson used to be. Whaaaat???? There is just no comparison at all. Except that they are both black pop singers. No comparison. a) Usher is clearly black and b)Jackson is iffy. Even if he isn't found guilty, he is still way way guilty of being weird. I cannot put them in the same category. That is just insane. Anyway, another sucessful day. woohoo!!So it's 2:57 and I unsucessfully AGAIN missed the court TV repeat of the special on hazing in Universities. Dang it!! oh wellll. I'm outta here!
March 02, 2005
Rain Rain.... Day 2 of nothing but rain.
Today was my husband's first day of school. Awww. I'm so proud!! I packed his backpack with highlighters and post-its and a new notebook to write in. He is soooo nervous. He wants to buy a taperecorder and I convinced him to see how the first day goes before he goes and buys a bunch of things he might not need. He's taking Biology first level and a Business Economics class, Wednesday and Thursday, and he has class from 6-10pm. I told him he should worry more about having money for a soda to keep him awake. As the quote is "bring a pillow for your pillow"~ these could be very boring and very easy classes. (He's going to Cal Lutheran to finish up his GE's and maybe some upper division Business classes because his dream is to get his MBA but he can't do that with a Chilean degree because it's not considered equivalent to a Bachelors. LOOOOONG Story.) Anyway, I am enjoying my Spring Break. Can I say it enough? And I like that it is raining but I am not outside. Rain is always okay when you are inside under a warm blanket watching forensic shows while your hubby is away. I'm more excited that we have to get cell phones now, because he will be so far away at nights. I convinced him on the grounds that he will be studying about 30 min. away from home and that he atleast needs a cell phone to call me if his car has problems or if he has problems or if he is worried about me or if he is so tired (because when he won't be in school those 2 days he will either be working or driving) because then I can talk to him while he drives home. I'm so proud of him!! He finally picked a school!! This is a true miracle as Dennis analyzes everything. You think I'm negative??? Dennis worries about the worst possible scenarios. He was sooo worried about not understanding any of the professor's lessons because he is used to being taught in Spanish. But in Chile, the education system is so much more strict. They don't give multiple choice tests or drop the lowest quiz scores or have study hours or grade on a curve. He has no idea how easy this could feel to him. Chilean University's are so much more demanding. And I'm just really excited because he is finally going to start feeling productive! Anyway, Thanks Juls for getting me ridiculously addicted to the facebook. Ridiculously addicted...... Oh! Here are my Wednesday Wishes 1. I wish my husband feels confident in his new classes 2. I wish for Luciana to have good health. 3. I wish i can keep up in the progress I'm making in making my own diabetes better. (saw the doctor today. I'm getting better!) 4. I wish that it continues to rain some more. maybe they will close school next week too?? buwahahahah 5. I wish that the new diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper was easier to find out here in Malibu. It's pretty good. I'm surprised. it's 7:52 anyway, and so I'm outta here!
March 01, 2005 This is MY month! I LOVE March!! It really is my favorite time of the year!! I can't explain why really. I just love it. I love St. Patrick's Day. I love that my birthday will be coming up. I love that everything is green. I just love March. Am I too proud that my great grandfather who I never met was full Irish??? Does it matter that I prefer Corona to a Guiness? I hope not. The point is, this is my favorite time of the year. Good news- Dennis has officially decided to start school and Cal Lutheran. It will be so good for him to study in English and to feel productive and I am proud of him. Bad news: My lip is infected from the cosmetics (we think) that the makeup artist put on my lips. They literally arrived at 7:30 and didn't leave until like 5 pm and she was constantly doing touch ups on my lips. Hmmmm. But she also shaped my brows for free. That's something I've always wanted to have done professionally so that was cool. But it was a very long day and I felt like they were asking a lot of questions to get me to cry and the frustrating thing is that they won't even use all of their footage. Anyway, prayer requests for Luciana who is having liver problems associated with her diabetes and also prayer requests for my husband. He talked to his daughters yesterday and they said that when they grow up they want to be a dental assistent and a policewoman. It frustrates Dennis that they don't dream bigger and I don't know how to explain to him that it is ultimately their decision, not his. I understand his frustration because it's seems like they have the potential to be the best. But I'm not really a mother so I don't know how to help him entirely. I am again so thankful for spring break. Sooooooo thankful that I have a week off! So, it's 3:26am and I'm outta here!
February 26, 2005 They will be here in less than five hours.... ugh. I cannot sleep at all. My eyes are going to be so red. I'm starting to regret that I agreed to do this program. It's not about me thought, right? I have to remind myself that my little sister was a drama queen and dreamed of being on television. She'd kick me in the ass if I didn't do this. This is her opportunity to be on national television. Her face on TV. How ironic is this that my sister dreamed of being an actress and now she is going to be on TV because she died and gave her organs?? How ironic is it that I'm going to be on TV talking about her? I hate attention. Okay. Well I don't hate it. But I don't want to be on TV. This whole thing is making me nervous...... I have to post the lyrics to this song. I just heard it on the radio and it is just too funny. (by a band named Bowling for Soup) Woohoohoo
Debbie just hit the wall, she never had it all
One Prozac a day, husband's a CPA
Her dreams went out the door
When she turned twenty-four
Only been with one man
What happened to her plan
She was gonna be an actress
She was gonna be a star
She was gonna shake her ass
On the hood of White Snake's car
Her yellow SUV is now the enemy
Looks at her average life
And nothing has been alright
Since Bruce Springsteen, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2 and Blondie
And music still on MTV
Her two kids in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
Cause she's still preoccupied
With 19, 19, 1985
She's seen all the classics, she knows every line
'Breakfast Club', 'Pretty in Pink'
Even 'St. Elmo's Fire'
She rocked out to Wham!
Not a big Limp Bizkit fan
Thought she'd get a hand
On a member of Duran Duran
Where's the mini-skirt made of snake skin
And who's the other guy that's singing in Van Halen
When did reality become TV
Whatever happened to sitcoms, game shows
On the radio was
Springsteen, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2 and Blondie
And music still on MTV
Her two kids in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
Cause she's still preoccupied
With 19, 19, 1985
She hates time, make it stop
When did Motley Crue become classic rock
And when did Ozzy become an actor
Please make this stop, stop
Stop, and bring back
Springsteen, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2 and Blondie
And music still on MTV
Her two kids in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
Cause she's still preoccupied
With 1985
Springsteen, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2 and Blondie
And music still on MTV
Her two kids in high school
They tell her that she?s uncool
Cause she's still preoccupied
With 19, 19, 1985