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How many keys am I holding up?

My blogger code: B2 d t++ k s- u-- f i o x-- e+ l c (decode it!)
My Bloginality is ISFJ!!!

Blog Archive:
April 9-April 27, 2003 April 28-May 25, 2003
May 27, 2003- August 06, 2003 September 02, 2003- October 31, 2003
November 01, 2003-January 01, 2004January 01, 2004- January 31, 2004
February 02- February 26, 2004
My Clumsys,Gingers, and Irene's Babies Collections
Adopts for you

March 29, 2004
I should be working on two papers due this week- one paper due thursday and well not a paper, but a huge test actually due tomorrow. It's on Drugs again. And I am lacking in motivation. We don't have microsoft office on our PC anymore and the disc won't let me reload. So I type up my notes in my email. After much progress last night, I accidentally pressed ESC key and lost everything. So now I'm a little bitter about studying for this test. I took it as a sign.
So, now I'm at work, blogging, eating fig newtons, drinking diet coke, and very much contemplating the idea of not studying at all. This is ofcourse what I wish I could do, but what I will really do is finish this blog entry and then start studying. Damn. Damn it to this success driven society that places such high influence on grades that I have to keep up in order to not fall behind and become the next guest on Jerry Springer. (or Laura or Christina or Ricki or Jenny Jones or whatever trashy talk show they air in your language/area. If I was on Laura, the Peruvian version of Jerry Springer, you'd have to shoot me. It is definitely the worst of the worst.)
Annnyyywaayyy. Marge Simpson is on the cover of Maxim magazine. How do I know this? my male coworkers LOVE this magazine (hey, they are all fraternity college boys).
Dennis went in for his 5th interview on Friday. What happened was that the first branch he interviewed at (who interviewed him TWICE) decided to hire another candidate. So he went in for an interview for one of the other branches in Malibu, up more North. The lady said, according to Dennis, "I HAVE NO OTHER CANDIDATES FOR THIS JOB AND I REALLY LIKE YOU AND WANT YOU TO HAVE THIS JOB."
so my husband came home thursday and was oh so happy because finally he felt like they were giving him a concrete answer "Yes we want you"
And then the bank recruiter called on Friday. She said that there were other candidates and that at this time, they would like to offer him a job as a teller. This is a step down from the actual job he is applying for. But that is not really so important because after all, he isn't working and any job is a good job. The point is that she said she would call him today for a SIXTH interview, for the teller position.
Dennis has decided to accept the job on two conditions.
One: that they give him the job and stop sending him out on interviews. He has major cabin fever and needs to start working NOW
Two: that they promise him that he can be promoted to the actual job he is applying for, since he is way over qualified to be a teller, in about 6 months. (he worked as the manager of a bank in Chile for 9 years!!)
As you can see, we are still quite frustrated.
On the good note, I got this cute spring card from Luciana

It is 12:30 pm and I have to study because I don't want to end up living in a trailer (no offense to those who do) so I'm outta here!

March 24, 2004
Here are the cute cards I recieved in my email the other day!! This one is from Nancze

and this one is from Mari who just got her motorcycle liscense!!! Anyway, I feel like this one is an award! It made me feel especially good about myself!

I had to change both cards into gifs because I'm always trying to save space and it made me a little sad to see some of the great colors fade on both.
Anyway, everything so far is the same. Dennis is still waiting to hear from the bank. I'm tired and bored. That's a good thing.
it is 8:52 am and I'm outta here!

March 22, 2004
I have been so so busy since St. Patrick's Day!! I had my guinness to celebrate the green holiday and from the next morning on, things have been so complicated! The day after, I hurt my neck (this past thursday). I think its a muscle tension stress thing and the doctor at the school clinic charged a lot of money to be really stingy in her prescription of muscle relaxers. Anyway, I am starting to feel better. Also, Dennis had his FIFTH interview. He said, "can I assume I have the job or should I start looking around for another job???" and the interviewer said "well I can't really say anything, but you should receive a phone call. If that phone interview goes well, you will go for two weeks of training. grrr. it is so frustrating for the both of us to not know!!
Anyway, I had to go to an AA meeting for my drugs and behavior class. I felt like I should have gone just because I have family members who are alcoholics. It was a very good meeting and the speakers had a lot of important things to say. But then I had to write a debate paper on whether or not alcoholism should be considered a disease. People who think it should, compare it to diabetes. I think alcohol causes health/social/psychological problems but I don't think it can be compared to diabetes under the definition of disease. If I stop taking my insulin, I die. If an alcoholic stops drinking, he probably will get better. Maybe this is just a big can of worms I don't really want to open.
I just took a huge test. I hope I passed it. It seems like everything for the semester is due in the next 2 weeks and so suddenly I have like 4 papers and 3 presentations. And I still have to complete my application to go to graduate school next spring. because If I don't get accepted to attend grad school in the spring, we lose our apartment!!! So I am slightly stressed. Slightly. and I've been having dreams about my sister on a daily basis for about the past week. And one of my very good friends lost her baby in a miscarriage. She was almost 20 weeks along and its her fourth miscarriage. I was really praying for her and now I am just so so heartbroken for her and her husband, as their pregnancies are so prayed over and supported- if anyone deserves to be a mother she does- and yet, she just can't seem to carry past 5 months.
I have received some wonderful spring cards in the mail that I will post either today or tomorrow :) Right now, I have to run to class. "Group Psychotherapy" Yay!! So exciting!!! before i forget- I have like NINE ADOPTIONS for people to adopt at my sister's site. PLEASE CLICK THE ABOVE LINK TO CHECK THEM OUT!!it is 5:47pm and I'm outta here!!

March 17, 2004
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Here is a cute card from Mari Oh I love this holiday!

and according to online dictionaries everywhere, (Here Here and Here my name is a literary/poetic way of saying Ireland. What exactly does "Erin Go Braugh" mean? According to the Miriam Webster Online Dictionary, it means
Ir go br¨¢ch or go br¨¢th, lit., till doomsday : Ireland forever
So Ireland Forever!!! Woohoo!!
Here is the "Erin Go Braugh" Poem
ERIN GO BRAGH =(Ireland Forever)
I'll tell you a story of a row in the town,
When the green flag went up and the Crown
rag came down,
'Twas the neatest and sweetest thing ever you saw,
And they played the best games played in Erin
Go Bragh.
One of our comrades was down at Ring's end,
For the honor of Ireland to hold and defend,
He had no veteran soldiers but volunteers raw,
Playing sweet Mauser music for Erin Go Bragh.
Now here's to Tom Pearce and our comrades who died
Tom Clark, McDunna, McDurmott, McBryde,
And here's to Jan Connelly who gave one hurrah,
And placed the machine guns for Erin Go Bragh.
One brave English captain was ranting that day,
Saying, "Give me one hour and I'll blow you away,"
But a big Mauser bullet got stuck in his craw,
And he died of lead poisoning in Erin Go Bragh.
Old Kent and his comrades like lions at bay,
From the South Dublin Union poured death and
And what was their horror when the Englishmen saw
All the dead khaki soldiers in Erin Go Bragh.
Now here's to old Dublin, and here's her renown,
In the long generation her fame will go down,
And our children will tell how their forefathers
The red blaze of freedom in Erin Go Braugh.

I have to run to chapel so I am leaving- It is 9:37am and I am outta here!

March 16, 2004

So involved in how I did on the exam that I forgot about other things that I meant to blog about! This weekend, we saw "In the Cut" with Meg Ryan and I must say it was a very steamy movie. (she was naked and she looked fantastic!) a very artsy film, I thought. all I know is I want to look like her when I am her age!
We also saw "Abre Los Ojos" the Spanish version of "Vanilla Sky" (vanilla sky was the remake)- it was a very interesting, sexy, wierd movie that I reccommend if anyone wants to read subtitles. The best part was when the guy said "because it pisses me off". Can any of my spanish friends please help me out here with this translation?
because it pisses me off= porque me toca los huevos
That doesn't seem like a very good translation to me but it is very funny to say and Dennis loves laughing at my spanish accent. (my american accent trying to speak spanish like I'm from Spain, when I really have more of a chilea-argentine accent.)
Here is this week's Chick Chat"
Questions For March 16th
The Secret is Out!: Name 5 Things People Don't Know About You
I'm a diabetic, insulin dependent
2.I don't have a driver's license
3.I sleep with the teddy bear that was on my sister's hospital bed when she died.
4.I bite my lip all the time. (I was just doing it!)
5.Before meeting Dennis, I went to Uruguay for Carnival and saw a huge ceremony honoring the sea goddess ima-something (have you ever seen "Woman on Top"? That Goddess. Well, I threw in a rose and wished to find love and 3 weeks later I met my husband! (and 2 weeks after that he proposed!)

I have totally forgotten to say anything, but I received as part of my birthday present, a premade from Angelabrats for my sister's adoption spot--> Please click Here to see it! I'm so excited to offer some adoptions!
Anyway, more good news- I got a 90% (out of 100) on my drugs and behavior test!! Woohoo! I'm smart!!! Tell me if you guys know any of these questions to prove that this was a really hard test: (answers are bolded, what I said was italicized and underlined)
1)The rush of heroin high is avoided with methadone because:
a)it is absorbed slowly and metabolized slowly
b)it is taken on a daily basis
c)it is taken orally
d)it cannot bind itself to endorphin-sensitive receptors

2)All 3 categories of narcotic drugs share the following common feature:
a)an illicit street drug
b)an extreme level of dependence
c)a chemical similarity to morphine or its derivatives
d)producing analgesia OFCOURSE!! DUH!!

3)Which of the following has been a medical application of amphetamine?
a)bronchial dilator
b)CNS depressant
c) treatment for insomnia
d)appetite enhancement

4)Decriminalization of marijuana
a) has yet to be adopted by more than one or two US states
b)considers marijuana possession to be a civil rather than a criminal offense
c)is equivalent to legalization
d)none of the above (#$*&* I HATE IT WHEN THE PROFESSOR SAYS "NONE OF THE ABOVE!")

and I missed a bunch of points because I couldn't remember the similarities and differences of cocaine and amphetamine at the receptor level--- THEY BASICALLY FUNCTION THE SAME EXCEPT AMPHETAMINE IS STRONGER IN REINFORCING!!!
okay. is your brain swimming? that's how I felt. This sucker was 25 multiple choice and 9 essays and I got a 90%. God is good.
Enough ranting. Still haven't heard from the Bank about whether or not he has the job, but after the 4th interview I still think we're golden- please keep praying for him! It is 3:04pm and I am done blogging so I am outta here!

March 14, 2004
I have been completely out of it since my birthday. It was a surprise party- my suspicions were right!- but ever since then I have been kind of depressed. Today at church, I had a long talk in the bathroom with a girl who survived a crash 500 ft down into a canyon nearby. She is a recovering alcoholic who was suicidal at the time and now she is in a rehabilitation center. Her story is so touching- she has to wear a brace but she is walking and breathing and no one else was hurt- I told her over and over again how much of a miracle it is that she is alive and that God is not finished with her yet!! In talking with her, it made me think about how the man who killed my sister could have very well been a very nice person who just made a huge mistake. I just haven't been able to think about anything else. And the attacks in Madrid really affected me too. It affected me in that so many people are suffering right now in that country and it affected me that none of our friends really care in the same way that they cared about September 11th- Terrorrism is Terrorrism, no matter what country you are from. Those who know Ellora, from The Blinkie Cottage know that she and her husband had decided to take the bus instead of the train that morning, I can only imagine how affected she must be!! (She sent out this graphic by the way, in support of what has happened.)

I'm just in one of those moods where I can't concentrate and I hate death and I hate that people keep dying. Bear with me.
It is 8:01pm and I am going to read some homework, so I am outta here!

I'm so so sorry- amigos, lloramos con uds, que Dios te Bendiga~

March 11, 2004

It's my birthday today!! 22 years old!! Woohoo!!! I have received so much love from my online buddies, It makes me want to cry!! The blinkie above is from Miss Mel and the stamp is a gift from Andrea
I also have three pages from different buddie groups!!!
Click Here to see my Country Girlfriends Forever Birthday Page
and Here to view my Country Blessings Birthday Page
and Here to view my Country Chatterbugs Birthday Page!
All of the pages are so special and I just feel really good seeing them while I stuck here at work. (I could NOT find a single person who could cover my shift today)
I also received this cute cute card from Luciana

(awwww!!!!) and this cute adoption from my friend Judi

I DID receive a bouquet today by the way- I woke up this morning and stumbled into the kitchen and there was a bouquet of a dozen red roses and a card from my dear hubby- who is doing the dishes right now! What a beautiful way to wake up in the morning!
Well great news has been happening today! I JUST found someone to fill in for me! woohoo!!!
Anyway, and Dennis got a phone call from the bank! His 4th interview is tomorrow morning in Santa Monica! (which is close and right next to 3rd street= SHOPPING!!!)
And, I just received the approval from financial aid to stay here for the extra semester!! Yay!! I don't have to worry about graduating in December, a semester late!! Happy Birthday to me!!! (Dennis, by the way, is so excited because for this month, he is only 11 years older instead of 12!)
It is 12:45 and I am outta here!!!

Two arguments that have arisen due to the quiz mentioned below:
ONEA Foreign language does NOT include the language you speak natively (I admit he's right about that one, but damn it I'm not changing my quiz!)
TWO:My birthday is NOT a holiday. This one I don't agree with. Just because the banks don't close, doesn't mean it isn't a holiday! It's on MY calendar!!
Here is the quiz about me. What do you guys think?

March 08, 2004
Dennis just got back from his 3rd job interview! They didn't say whether or not he was hired but now he is waiting for his FOURTH interview, with the manager of the bank where he would be working. Can I safely assume, by interview four, that he is hired? He's completely excited about it :) He got a haircut yesterday and I asked him if cutting his hair made him feel more confident. He said "for my hair? Please, I'm Dennis Calderon. It's more than my hair."
Anyway, yes Miriam, I am addicted to spanish soap operas.
Just to spice things up, I picked this link from Jennie's blog
How Well Do You Know Erin?
I failed her quiz miserably. (sorry Jennie)
Here is this week's Chick Chat
Questions For March 9th
List 5 Freaky Weird Things About Yourself...
I love peanut butter and raisen sandwiches
2.I can't roll my "r"'s in spanish
3.I have been known to say "Damn!" outloud during a silent church service. (long story)
4.(using my husband for help for the last two) "My sense of humor sometimes"
5."When I talk to you and you look like you are listening but you are not paying attention at all
Ok that's it It's 4:48 pm and I'm going to go pay Dennis attention so I am outta here!

March 08, 2004
We are watching "El Alma Herida" right now. A woman is accusing her boyfriend of cheating because she found another woman's handkerchief. I told Dennis I'd kill him. Telenovelas. You all don't know what you are missing!!The guy on this show is so bad- a really mean guy- escamoso weon is what I said and Dennis said "hey stop to say bad words in spanish!!". well, if you were watching this show you'd say the same.
Dennis is rehersing/preparing for his job interview tomorrow. It is really the cutest thing ever. He asks himself out loud "where would you like to be in 5 years" and then answere "In your desk, in your job." or he'll ask himself "Describe yourself" and answer "Well, I'm confident" or "Why do you want this job?" amd amswer "because you need me!" The adorable part is that I can't tell if he would really say those things because that's how he thinks!! He's so bold!!
Bloggin around, I picked this link up from Kamie
Saturday Senses
In the Movies:
[taste]:: Do you take food or drinks into the movies? What do you like to eat/drink while you watch a movie?
We smuggle in soda because its so darn expensive in the theater and we skip the popcorn. When we are at home, I have to eat or drink something when I watch movies. It's a sick twisted societal reinforcement I can't break.
[touch]:: Do you have a "kissing in the movies" story to share? I have watched movies/made out at home but never in the theater. When Dennis was here visiting me last Christmas (still long-distance) we got a little snuggly watching "The Hot Chick" but I didn't want to get kicked out so we had to calm down :)
[sight]:: Where do you like to sit when you go to the movies? Front, middle, back? Left, right? Does it matter? And what do you do when there㸠someone sitting in front of you who㸠blocking your view?I like to sit smack dab in the middle. It depends on how much the person is blocking my view. I may just switch seats with Dennis
[smell]:: If we could smell things in movies, which movie would you want to watch (and smell) and why?Definitely not things like blood or sex. Kids movies- Willy Wonka would be a great movie to smell :D
[hearing]:: What do you do when people are talking during a movie and disturbing you? Are you the kind of person who sighs and hopes they will stop or do you say something? Well, assuming those people aren't us but rather a group of annoying teenage boys, I patiently hope they go away or wait for someone else to tell them to shhh.
Okay 10:07 and Mujeres Apassionadas- oh I love this show!! The wife is surprising her husband at the airport by accompanying him on his business trip and he's mad- you can't come with me!! and she says "Surprise! You should be happy! We can spend time together!" Dennis says she's obsessive. Anyway, if I decided to surprise my husband on one of his business trips, he better be jumping for joy!!!Sooo I'm going to finish this novel and be outta here!!

March 07, 2004
Hey thanks for the positive feedback about the new layout. I like it too. It's so cheerful. Sooo, I got this cute card from Luciana

to say Happy Spring! Thanks Lu! Such a sweet card!! I can't believe it's already spring time!! I've been blogging for almost a year!!! (and I'm runnin' out of geocities space to prove it! LOL!!)
anyway, Spring Break is officially over but I want to proudly announce that I was productive. I did follow up with the lawyers about my mom and sister, I did fill out the government's financial aid form thing, I registered to vote, caught up on some reading for class, updated my web site, and plan on starting and completing a homework assignment due tomorrow :D So HA! Yes I have slept in but I have also been productive! Ha hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!
Not going crazy just a little defensive. Anyway, its 5:39 and HOT outside (???) I am outta here!

March 06, 2004
It's quiet out here in blog land!!!
Anyway, nothing is going on here. Dennis has his third interview with the bank, on Tuesday, so that is the main prayer request on my heart right now. They are probably going to give him a job that requires commuting to a bank where there is a greater spanish speaking clientele. that's great but our car sucks. so I don't know what we are going to do.
I've been kind of blue lately. My brother and my father are pursuing legal action for my sister's car accident and also for the death of my mom. I'm helping as much as I can, but it just makes me nervous and I've been having dreams about my sister alot lately, like fighting with her or fighting with my mom or whatever.
We are watching "Sabado Gigantes" right now. I just learned that it was in the world records book in 1992 for being the longest show on air. The host is from Chile and that's why we are so loyal in watching the show. It's actually a very cute variety show. (if you ignore the prancing models that are typical of any latino show LOL)

This is why this show is so unique- there is an "American Idol" segment, where people come up and sing and if they suck they are booed off the stage, but the winner gets $1000. Don Francisco, the host, wears different silly hats during each person's song.
But the other cool thing about this show is that not only does he interview celebrities, he interviews real people and tries to help them in a very not-jerry springer or oprah- way. AND Al Gore was on his show during the last presidential election, trying to get latino votes. That shows how popular this show is!!
Can you see how bored I am that I am talking in English about a Spanish Variety show?? I am "this close" to spilling out all the telenovela story lines to yall. but this is my last day of spring break so this boredom has to come to an end. school begins again on monday. grrrrrr...
anyway, it is 9:23pm and I am going to snuggle with my hubby, so I am outta here!

March 04, 2004
Here is the past two week's Chick Chat's
Questions For March 2nd
Favorite Girlie Stuff...
1.Favorite Shampoo/Conditioner Brand?:
whatever is the cheapest and smells good
2. Favorite Make-Up Brand?:mary kay
3. Come on, spill it, what do your pit's smell like?: Secret
4. Favorite Perfume?:ralph lauren polo sport for women, happy, and tresor
5. Favorite Candle Scent?: rain.
For Feb 24th
Wedded Bliss?
1. Is your hubby your best friend?
2. What¡¯s his best trait? his faithfulness and smart business sense. and he reads people better than I do.
3. What¡¯s his worst trait?he's stubborn
4. Has he ever been manly enough to buy you a box of tampons?well, not by himself, but In chile we had to go to a pharmacy to buy them and he had to do all the speaking and buying. (women in chile don't use them!)
5. What¡¯s the most romantic thing he¡¯s ever done? when he bought me a rose on our first night together, when he took me away for the weekend to propose, when he gave me the teddy bears on valentines day :)
Okay, I love my husband now. And I am at work so it is 1:58pm and I am outta here!

Here is my elf name (thanks julie)
Gherkin Faringdon.
What's yours?
Powered by Rum and Monkey.

and here is Dennis'

My crappy little elf name is Elfis Faringdon.
What's yours?
Powered by Rum and Monkey.

March 03, 2004
I am so bored. I am so bored. I took this quiz (well, picked up the link from Christina and I think it's pretty funny-- is it accurate though?

My very British name is Emily Chamberlain.
Take The Very British Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

and here is Dennis's British Name:

My very British name is Quentin Cavendish.
Take The Very British Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

anyway, tonight we are going to teach wednesday bible class to the 3s and 4s- Elijah and the Ravens will be tonight's topic.
Dennis is in a dilemma about continuing school. Some universities consider his degree from Chile a bachelors equivalent and are prepared to accept him in their Master's program. Other universities (mainly universities with more prestige- but not necessarily better accreditation--) say he will have to obtain a US bachelor's first. On one hand, getting a US bachelor's would perhaps give him more opportunities. On the other hand, most jobs in Buisness require a masters and don't really look to see if you have bachelors and since Dennis is 33, he really doesn't feel like he has an extra year to waste on a bachelors and it is expensive! arrrghhh! All I can say is "I trust your decision and am by your side 100%"
anyway it is 2:56 and I am working so I should be outta here

March 02, 2004
This is my favorite month. I am so motivated by this new blog layout and so motivated by its cheerfulness. (and I turn 22 this month!) How fun is it when a whole holiday is dedicated to your name! (erin go braugh!! my name is in the dictionary!!! look it up! I always thought March was the best month!)
Anyway, still no word about Dennis and Bank of America- we are still waiting on his third interview. We are confident they will hire him, but probably just in a part of the city where there is a lot of spanish speaking.
And it's spring break which is why I have all of this TIME! to re do my blog!!
Before I go, I wanted to say thank you to everyone for voting for me at A Country Fair- I did win and I felt so loved and good about it!! Oh! and Thank You Luciana and Kalus for the thank you card- sorry about taking so long to say something!!

Okay, my telenovela is almost on so It is 9:34 and I am outta here!

thanks sarah! let's see if this works!


by Faith Graphics also by Irene and also Kalus and Biene
done wonderfully by Jennifer