Located beneath the mountains of Tamadaba and surrounded by rich endemic vegetation, the views offered are truly spectacular.

The “Camino Tamadaba?apartments (please bear in mind that they are two apartments in rural surroundings, but not a rural house as such) are located between two fruit farms in the fertile Valle de Agaete (Agaete Valley), in the north-west of Gran Canaria. One of these fruit farms consists of orange trees while in the other one a range of fruits including mangos, papayas, grapes, avocados, lemons, figs, melons, water melons, are grown. Isolated from the busy urban life, it is situated in an area that is ideal to relax in and to do some outdoor sports such as hiking. This is due to the fact that the house is literally by one of the island’s most popular ‘camino real? A ‘camino real?is an old footpath used in the past as a means of transport before the use of vehicles came into practice. The mentioned footpath is called the ‘Camino Real de Tamabada?and leads up to the mountains of Tamadaba. Each year it used in the traditional ‘Bajada de la Rama.?An aboriginal tradition where hundreds of people walk up to the mountains to collect branches from the trees and then walk down to the beach in Agaete, while they sing and dance, and hit the sea water with their branches. This is the way the aborigines used to ask for it to rain. The tradition is carried out twice a year; in June and in August, to celebrate the Saint days of San Pedro and La Vigen de Las Nieves respectively. If the views offered in this area are spectacular during daytime they are even more so at night when the sky is clear. This is because the low level of artificial light enables us to see the stars clearly, making it an ideal spot for astrology.
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