Julian Martin Benito "Julianin"  Born in Madrid  at 1939, begun his carrer  at the film busines  at 1957.
He worked as painter scenic artist  at the construction crew of  Francisco Prosper and Francisco Asensio.
During the sixties and seventies he painted backdrops for most of the American and British movies filmed in Spain,
El Cid, Batlle of Britain, Doctor Zivago, The fall of the Roman empire, etc...
He has been in charge of  building miniatures and also painted on glass and cut out aluminum.


 - The kingdom of Heaven (2005) (scenic artist)
-  Los otros/ The others(2001)(scenic artist)
- Talk of Angels (1998) (scenic artist)
- la hora de los valientes (98)(matte painter)

The  ceiling was painted on glass by Julian Martin.

- La herida luminosa(97)(Scenic artis)
- Días contados (1994) (construction foreman)
- 1492,Conquest of Paradise (92)(Scenic artist)Julián martín Benito
- El día que nací yo(91)(miniatures)
- El rey pasmado (1991)
- El Quijote, de Miguel de Cervantes(91)(TV) (miniatures)
- La forja de un rebelde (90) (miniatures/matte painter)
- El cura de bargota(90)
- El mundo de Juan lobon(89)(tv)
- Esquilache(89)(miniatures)
- Remando al viento(88)(matte painter)

The upper part of the wall was painted on glass by Julian Martin.

- A los 4 vientos(87)(miniatures)
- Gallego(87)(Scenic artist/matte painter)
- Dragón Rapide (1986) (assistant set decorator)
 - El caballero del dragón(85)  (miniatures)(set decorator)
 - Luces de Bohemia(85)(miniatures)
- Flesh & Blood (85) (scenic artist)
- Los Pazos de Ulloa (1985)(TV)
- Los santos inocentes(84) (scenic artist)
- Teresa de Jesús(83)(tv)(miniatures)
- Valentina (82)(TV) (scenic artist)
- Conan, the barbarian (82)(scenic artist)

To see more samples of his work go to:


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