Medical protocols used by Marbella's Ozone-therapy Unit

Italian Oxigen-Ozone Therapy Scientific Society

Indurative lipodermitis
Protocol SIOT 933901

Autohemotransfusions in peripheral arteriopathies
Protocol SIOT 933902

Chronic venous insufficiency
Protocol SIOT 933903

External topical applications on chronic internal injuries (Gangrenes)
Protocol SIOT 933904

Intradiscal injections in Herniated Discs.
Protocol SIOT 953901

Paravertebral injections for neuronal spine disorders
Protocol SIOT 953902

Therapy by autohemotransfusión in pathologies caused by chronic hepatitis
(HBV, HCV and HDV)
Protocol SIOT 953903

Autohemotransfusion in ocular pathologies with isquemic base
Protocol SIOT 953304

Topical applications and autohemotransfusions for prevention of gangrenes
Protocol SIOT 963901

Autohemotransfusion for patients suffering progressive multiple sclerosis
Protocol SIOT 973901

Autohemotransfusion for patients with senile dementia
Protocol SIOT 973902

Autohemotransfusion for patients with severe senile dementia
(Parkinson and Alzheimer).
Protocol SIOT 973903


For more information click the link below to visit the Website
of the Italian Oxigen-Ozone Therapy Scientific Society:

Ozone Molecule