1. Foreground and hanging miniatures.

In the early years of the cinema the pioneers of this new art developed tricks and techniques to achieve some daring and spectacular images in motion.
The construction of miniatures instead of building full scale sets has been in used from the silent movies until nowadays.
One of the most common techniques was the foreground or hanging miniature. This trick is very simple and ingenious, but requires a high sense of perspective to match the miniature with the real elements.
The idea is similar than the glass shot, but instead of  painting the miniature on the glass, a model built in three dimensions has to be positioned in front of the camera matching the real set,  hanging from the top or hold from the sides.

Some examples of this technique:

"The  Black pirate" (Albert Parker, 1926, played by Douglas Fairbanks)
Swiedish-American art director Carl Oscar Borg made use os this hanging miniature to create the treasure islad set, at the back lot of the Pickford-Fairbanks studios.
They create the shore of the island using a flooded tank to simulate the ocean. The miniature was hanged in order to hide the other sets at the back lot.


Masters of foreground miniatures.

Arnold Gillespie ( visual effects and miniature supervisor)

Eugene Lourie ( art director)

Emilio Ruiz del Rio ( miniature effect./ matte painter)

Derek Meddings ( visual effects and miniature supervisior)



2.  The World in miniature.

From the silent era to the digital ages, miniatures and models has been used to recreate, burn,  explode, and  flood any kind of environment. Everything is built in miniature, there is not real elements to match, unlike the hanging miniatures.

Some examples of worlds in miniature.

"Logan´s run" (1976)



Masters of miniatures

This is a list of some of the most recognized masters of miniatures. I have include, model makers, art dir Derek Meddings / Visual effects supervisorectors, aBrian Johnson / visual effects supervisornd directors of photography.
Howad  Anderson Jr / miniature effects photography  
L.B. Abbott / visual effects supervisor / miniature photography
Enrique Alarcon / art director
Charlie Baker / model maker
Martin Bower / model maker
Richard Conway  / supervisor miniature effects
Art Cruickshank / Miniature photography
John Dykstra /visual effects supervisor
Richard Edlund / visual effects supervisor
 John Fulton / visual effects supervor
Paul Huston / Supervisor miniature effects
Don Jahraus / miniature supervisor
Gordon Jennings / supervisor visual effects
Greg Jein / model maker
Brian  Johnson / visual effects supervisor
Phil Kellison / visual effects supervisor
George Melies / visual effects pioneer
Grant McCune / model maker supervisor
Derek Meddings/ visual effects supervisor
Dennis Muren /visual effects supervisor / miniature photography
Howard  and  Theodore Lydecker / supervisors miniature effects
Ned Mann / miniature effects supervisor
Brian Smithies / Miniature supervisor
Robert and Dennis  Skotak / Supervisors miniature effects
Paul Wilson / miniature  photography

Miniatures Gallery


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