.....photoetry in detail




. In the age of the image this projet opens a new window to the photography by meaans of the poetry , that is the universal way to express senses.

It has more than 320 photographs of several European Contries linked by poetic texts, with the optic of solidarity.

From the image through the photograph and the written word in prose we form an approach to truth with the beauty it is inherent to.

With the universal light of feelings you try to describe and discover the reality of today’s man.

For this, he is analysed in his different environments: urban, rural and natural ones, likewise some social phenomena are described



"FOTOESIA" Poetic expression through the image and the verb by means of photography and the written word,

When it does not dress up but rather, it carries a uniform it becomes a "photoessay", sometimes it is difficult to distinguish one suit from another, as is the case of the soldier or the waiter but the dress is linked less to the clothing and more to the hope of he who only aspires to opening up hearts envolopped in cold shields.

When it does not dress up but rather, it carries a uniform it becomes a play, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish one suit from another, as is the case of the soldier or the waiter but the dress is linked less to the clothing and more to the hope of he who only aspires to opening up hearts envolopped in cold shields.

Watching the sequences of the mute movie you may observe that, eventhough beautiful, it is more so if it acquires colour and still more so if we add sound, whether music or voice, beauty grows as we approach the truth and it is more visible the more windows there are and thus the more light there is.

……..There may be different tones in the voice, more or less sound (stereo or mono), there may be colloquy in the voice or it may be off, the image may be slow motion, fast motion or it may have special effects.

All this makes an art out of movies, one in which, had it been a painting, each would carry a combination of colours and tones.

The same must occur in the photograph, it may be either in black and white or in colour, however many varieties to the image the artist creates, these are added to it: the focus and framing more or less variable, more or less luminosity, etc.

But why not dress up those images that are begging for company?

This is the purpose of this work: to open up a new path in the already fascinating world of photography which, if any different to movies or the other arts, it is what allows us to observe and analyse life in 1/125, 500,..of a second, making it immortal and eternal.

Accompanying image is the word, as a vehicle of reflection or feelings, another window opens, through which light seeps through, letting you see and analyse beauty more deeply.

Knowing that progress and happiness of the human beings will always lay in the search for the truth that the language, having sensed its meaning, has wanted it to almost called the same: Verdad y Beldad, Really and Beauty.


From the image through the photograph and the written word in prose we form an approach to truth with the beauty it is inherent to.

With the universal light of feelings you try to describe and discover the reality of today’s man.

For this, he is analysed in his different environments: urban, rural and natural ones, likewise some social phenomena are described

The pages also portray the treasure of infinite value inherited by man in nature, as well as the responsability he commits himself to in its conservation, it also crudely reveals some aspects of social reality to us, simultaneously offering us a hopeful vision of this new century.

Poetic expression through the image and the verb by means of photography and the written word,

When it does not dress up but rather, it carries a uniform it becomes a play, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish one suit from another, as is the case of the soldier or the waiter but the dress is linked less to the clothing and more to the hope of he who only aspires to opening up hearts envolopped in cold shields.

Watching the sequences of the mute movie you may observe that, eventhough beautiful, it is more so if it acquires colour and still more so if we add sound, whether music or voice, beauty grows as we approach the truth and it is more visible the more windows there are and thus the more light there is.

There may be different tones in the voice, more or less sound (stereo or mono), there may be colloquy in the voice or it may be off, the image may be slow motion, fast motion or it may have special effects.

All this makes an art out of movies, one in which, had it been a painting, each would carry a combination of colours and tones.

The same must occur in the photograph, it may be either in black and white or in colour, however many varieties to the image the artist creates, these are added to it: the focus and framing more or less variable, more or less luminosity, etc.

But why not dress up those images that are begging for company?

This is the purpose of this work: to open up a new path in the already fascinating world of photography which, if any different to movies or the other arts, it is what allows us to observe and analyse life in 1/125 of a second, making it immortal and eternal.

Accompanying image is the word, as a vehicle of reflection or feelings, another window opens, through which light seeps through, letting you see and analyse beauty more deeply.

Knowing that progress and happiness of the human beings will always lay in the search for the truth that the language, having sensed its meaning, has wanted it to almost called the same.

If paintings were born to describe reality and they became an art, photography was born with the same purpose, but the distance covered has been more irregular: recently recognized as an art, it joined words and music hastily, gestating the phenomena of the movies, so astonishing and magical, that it neglected one of its transitory steps: that of the union of photography with the verbal message, when it is at truth’s disposal under no matter which form, it acquires a grand expressive, eternal and universal force.

This is something that has certainly been noticed by publicity creators who often and always more evidently use a photograph of great beauty together with a significant phrase.

But, why is it able to reach out more than any other form of expression?:´

Two facts are given, the first one is that the word that appears naturally at the back of one’s mind, that is, the one that is noticed without any filter, is the one that crosses our feelings and these are always triggered by emotions.

Its emplacemenmt is probably in the sub-cortical centres and in the limbic area of the brain, that is, what all human beings have most in common.

When the word harmonizes with poetic language so as to describe reality, what it does is add a better perception of the latter through the metaphor, thus producing an emotion.

What, according to Lain Entralgo’s words, is the poetic knowledge: the understanding of what the author says metaphorically of the poem that always tries to express an intuition of reality, so as to share and experience it with the reader.

The image, more so when it portrays emotions, is the other universal language at the reach of all the minds that are not limited by the illness.

When it expresses harmony and beauty it becomes an emotion and it is easily perceptible thanks to this.

These two enormously powerful means of expression and influence in the human mind have often been used for manipulative or illegal purposes by great mass leaders: political leaders, publicity agents, etc...

On the threshold of the Twenty-first century, when the deepest respect is reached for the human being’s dignity and thus a greater evaluation of his work and his environment, it is time to more frequently use these two incredibly powerful means of expression to get closer to the truth.

By doing so, we generate, in a not less wonderful way, happiness.

Juan Francisco Jimenez
