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Ramon Ramonet Riu
Barcelona, Octubre de 2009.



(UNIT 1 of 5)


Catalonia has a natural brave bull relief. It's an immensely giant prehistoric bull-totem that stand in north skirt of Mt. Montserrat (40 km. away from Barcelona city).  Casualy this very erosionated and cold sector of the catalonia's holy mountain offers for ever so huge natural profile of brave bull in challenging attitude -as the ancestral URUS (Bos Primigenius). Appears very separated of rest of geologic formation, and for more casuallity it pressides over a great landing at its feets.


In the highlands of Solsona district I found this bull profile worked in stone, destined to serve as "Totem-Head" over the Dolmen Cuca cover slab. The Bull-Totem misionaries made its neck at as angle of 90, and the curved nape of the neck almost with parallel edges. This stone has its own stability. The builders carved it corasely, but it should be compemented by adding horns. Its size is in proportion with the dolmen room that it has underneath. Further away from NW. of Mt. Montserat, in Pallars Sobira district, I discovered another very big natural rock that was a Bull-Totem sculpture. A strong cultural charge was projected to the NW. of Montserrat for an itinerant religious people. Its existence solves the enigma of WHY so vermany megalithic's dolmen of the European prehistory, just in the center of Catalonia (NE. of Spain), never they expanded towards the south. Empty slab drawers were not bulding inside the south lands of the Ebro river,... and much less in Valencia zone. It is necessary to admit the solution woching as graphical as monumental natural sculpture in the north side of Mt. Montserrat.



In my bicolor cane upon the Bull-Totem profile, inform to us not ony about its size, but also the loos back line of so schematic profile. Note: Exactly in the place where its head should be excavated some "horn", this little profile only has just a very remarked angle in the stone. In the same forest sector, I see many prehistoric vestiges, all of them inside a very sinuous wall (1 m. high), including someone big megalithies from time to time.


I suspect the intentionnality of several little rocks, which in the ancien time should have round profile. Above of them, I discover this new Bull-Totem profile excavated on the rock. That day -looking to list- I remove with my cane the soil, draging to raise the gross layor of hardened lives.

The missionarie of Bull-Totem ritual give this new Totem form only removing the crust from, and jumping the slab stone between natural pits of the soil. With a paper model, I return its initial bull profile. I soupose its broked back due the ice during thousand years.



It was evoked during the Medieval Age in South Pyrenees. For instance, if you look at this symbolic painting from the Baltarga church (actualy in Seo de Urgel Museum), you will see this strange dress for a woman which was painted 1.000 years ago inside a circle, which is UPON THE BACK of a bull (it has almost disappeared, but you can see its neck below -outside the line of the circle-, and you can also see the point of a horn on the left hand side at 9 oclok).

The artist tried to explain how the "Mother-Earth annual insemination" altered Catholic piety. So, the word (LUNA) moon, is very necessary, because upon the woman head there are two "horns". One of woman's arms look like a snake, including one "eye" in its "head". From this "eye" emanates a sunlight ray, which is able to raise shadow of the other hand of the woman (solar inseminaton). This latter hand, symbolizes an underground cave chamber, because of its exagerated size.

Now Everybody will be able to understand what initially stimulated these enormous efforts, ...and at last what was able to justiffy why was constructed so longs barrows in prehistoric times.

The Egyptian god Seth,whom the greeks called Tiphon and identify with the figure of an ass, is the key of the symbolism in my book "The Human Face of Montserrat"(LA CARA HUMANA DE MONTSERRAT), which, in 1990, I finally had to do the photolites and edit myself since the publishing companies were not prepared to do so.

The distribution, sales and even the photos were all done by myself and for this reason is probably the last of the "artisan" books in the western world. In this book I have collected together ideas about God and Evil which I assimilated over more than a decade, beginning at the same time as my discovery, in a scale model, of the human face which appears in the aerial view, in my book, of a very circumspected bearded man (these aerial photos were part of the information gathered by a NASA satellite). I then dedicated the second part to summarising, as briefly as possible, all that I discovered written about asses over a period of more than 50 centuries all moralising done in light and amusing way. The only connection between such varied themes is the biblical scene "The Balam's ass".

My subliminal intention was to refiried on God and Evil, because in the classical Mediterranean culture the ass represented the horned Egyptian god Seth, the forerunner of the figure later called Satan (I did not was well understood).


I belive the megalithic idea of sunlight insemining Mother-Earth, WITH LIFE, which I capture graphically with this photo. Searching to obtain this effect, I only moved two little stones in ithe back ground Dolmen Cuca. There is a small ritual hole, because its old entrance was destroyed many years ago. In the ground in front of the dolmen, stands a very big oval stone which covered the Dolmen Cuca (I hoop the aplication of new datation system CLORUS-36).

Between the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic ocean, the Bull-Totem missionaries they are ables to cross so big mountain ranger by eastern coast, but they never search any NW pass in the Cantabric sea (Western Pyrenees coast).
My own discoveries about the exposed prehisthory enigmas, which are specially the megalithism of western Europe, are the next:

HOW it was the "First God" of inhabitants of european societies.
HOW the Montserrat mountain inspired the bull-totem first devotion.
HOW they belive it is possible to force the image for own benifit.
THE efforts that people made to reproduce "alive" temples.
HOW they made "sound-totems" in stone bull form.
WHERE was the births place of such religious prehistoric "science".
HOW the idea arrived at Europe, and by where happened.
THE origin of the celebrations of Christmas day, and also Saint John ,in june 24th.
THE origin of the very cruel games with the bulls.


It is the third dolmens concentration contemporaneus and with the same constructive furore in NW of Mt. Montserrat. There exist a prehistoric habitat -never studiet yet- in a thick forest, wich is crossed by a sinuous alignment of menhirs and many other big ritual stone during the prehistoric times. The most suggestive one, is this petrified natural Bull-Head, today very erosionated. Undubtely it was a totemistical ritual center. I also found near a big dolmen with monolithic slab cover (8m. diameter) never published before, and also a Bull-Totem head (like the Dolmen Cuca one), although, its "back" was never finished. By the way; the several big dolmen in Antequera (South of Spain) are make under oriental inspiration. The called CUEVA DE MENGA (see video) include a hole inside with wather (20m. deep).

I am between the adventurous finders of antiques who many years ago they risk all kind of dangers in exotic lands (or the man who were serching temples or looking for one tribe), and the present archeologist of rigid norms, in whose financed missions they behave as in front of a musical score, because in spite of being licensed, the team research has everything previously sounded the place and is work is like inside an orquesta where everything was codified, tematized, etc.; so that they do not have margin for the risk,... and the less for own imagination. But I am thankful to them, because is its pretty 3D virtualizations. The archeologist, of course they are able to see my defects, but not his.


Para información de los arqueólogos del futuro -ya que confio muy poco en la perspicacia de los que me son contemporáneos-, dejaré especificado que la proyección hacia el N.W. de Montserrat no estaba en el numeroso núcleo de megalitos diseminados alrededor de Súria (Bages), en la cuenca del río Cardener, sino que se puede seguir su proyección hacia sol poniente gracias a los mucho mejor vinculados a Montserrat al estar situados más al sur de dicha comarca del Bages.

Se trata de los alineados megalitos que se conservan a partir del llamado Jaciment de Vilaclara, Torre dels Moros, y Necrópolis de can Paleta. Y luego, ya más alejados en la misma dirección N.W., están los de Can Marquet y la llamada Necrópolis de Coromines, siguiendo: St. Andreu d'Aguilar, Serra Gallarda, Cau de l'Aguineu y Petjades Fosils; a partir del cual ya se comunican con los muy numerosos dólmenes y cistas de las tierras altas del sur de la comarca del Solsonés. Es en el sur de esta comarca donde aún siguen muchos vestigios de los ejemplares de Toro-Totem petrificado mejor conservados, los cuales, repito, incluyeron "cabezas cornudas" todas ellas picadas con un mismo diseño "homologado".

By the way; the several big dolmen in Antequera (South of Spain) are make under oriental inspiration. The called CUEVA DE MENGA (see video below) include a hole inside with wather (20m. deep).