
Welcome to the un-official fanlisting of the Detective Conan character Shiho Miyano/Sherry, the famous creator of the APTX 4869. We are two sisters, Shiho and Sherry.

The title of the fanlisting is for one song, Time after Time, the ending song of the 7th Detective Conan film.

If you like te character, please join! But first please READ THE RULES!!!

Last Update: 05/04/04 Added 2 new members

Since: 28//01//04


1-You must be a fan of Shiho Miyano/Sherry (obvious ^^U)

2-You don't have to have a site, but you must have a WORKING and valid e-mail.

3-If you have a site, you must put one of the codes before two weeks after joining. If you don't do this, we don't list you in members.

4-In the place where puts: White Snow... You must write: Black Shadows. It's just to insure myself that you've read the rules...

5-Join only one time, please.

Go and Join!


White Snow...


50 x 50

Thanks to Cinturo-Chan

Thanks to Kari

88 x 32


1- Shiho [@] [URL] (Catalonia)

2-Sherry [@] [URL] (Catalonia)

3-Holly [@] [URL] (Spain)

4-CiNtUrO-cHaN [@] [URL] (Spain)

5-Sayo [@] [URL] (Catalonia)

6-Miaka [@] [URL] (Spain)

7-Shijo-chan [@] [URL] (Spain)


Feel Your heart~Conan/Shinichi x Ai/Shiho Little Cunning~Kaitô x Aoko


Overture~Detective Conan Network

Time After Time~Shiho Miyano/Sherry

~Flowers are fragile and ephemeral. Even if you meant to protect them with surrounding fence from rain and wind , the flowers 'll die without sunlight~ Words from Shiho Miyano