Brazil travel information

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World : Brazil language info

Brazil: 4,577 miles of beautiful beaches bathed by the Atlantic Ocean
A Gifted country. A natural paradise
  • The world’s most exuberant flora and fauna
  • Immense coastline of natural beaches


Travel: Brazil language information

Brazil language

The official language is Portuguese, with different regional accents characterising each State. Spanish, English, Italian, French and German are also spoken, particularly in tourist areas. Four linguistic roots survive in the indigenous areas: Gê, Tupi-guarani, Aruak and Karib

Brazil carnival photo : images of brazilian carnival

Brazil information

Report of Brazil travel
The most complete report about Brazil !:
  • Hot fun .
General Brazil info
  • Everyday holiday atmosphere. The Brazilian people are fueled by happiness
    Work is just as important as pleasure
  • No Earthquakes. No Hurricanes
  • Brazilians welcome tourists with open arms and a radiant smile in their faces

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    Brazil travel info