Brazil travel information

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World : Brazil news info

Brazil: 4,577 miles of beautiful beaches bathed by the Atlantic Ocean
A Gifted country. A natural paradise
  • The world’s most exuberant flora and fauna
  • Immense coastline of natural beaches

Travel: Brazil news

Brazil society: News

The problem of the crime in brazil:
Car robberies are usually reported to the police (92%); reporting percentages for other crimes are less significant. Possible explanations for this could be that: by reporting to thepolice the victim obtains an affidavit - the basic legal requirement for applying to the insurance company for reimbursement; to avoid the possibility of incriminationwhen the stolen car is used for criminal activities; to enable the insurance company and the police to retrieve the car. Although with a lower percentage (65%), the same can be said for motorcycle theft.In decreasing order of importance, burglary with entry ranks third amongreported crimes. This may be because it involves the robbery of valuable property or possessions, such as jewels, bonds, US dollars, etc. In some cases, the loss may seriously affect the victim's fiscal status by altering his annual resources without an apparent explanation, which may call for severe penalisation from the Bureau ofFederal Income.On the other hand, car vandalism was rarely reported since it did not solicit a major reaction (0.9%).Reasons for not reporting to the police.

Brazil carnival photo : images of brazilian carnival

Brazil information

Report of Brazil travel
The most complete report about Brazil !:
  • Hot fun .
General Brazil info
  • Everyday holiday atmosphere. The Brazilian people are fueled by happiness
    Work is just as important as pleasure
  • No Earthquakes. No Hurricanes
  • Brazilians welcome tourists with open arms and a radiant smile in their faces

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    Brazil travel info