Lighting the Way With Creation's Original Remedy

60th American Power Conference

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics for Primary Energy Producers In the United States


The Advent of the Headrick Solar-Voltaic Dome™ Power Station

Mainstream Deployment of Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BI-PV) Power Within the

US Energy Consumption Arena System Economics, Market Trends and Issues

Proceedings of the 59th American Power Conference & Exhibition Illinois Institute of Technology, April 1-3, 1997


The existing plan for the remaining fossil fuels communicated by a handful of energy cartels is to remove all of the available coal, petroleum and natural gas from the planet in the next thirty years. In reviewing the process through which a celestial body dies, an understanding of physics acknowledges how this plan accelerates the process leading to the implosion of a star or planet.[1] Considering the many risks, doesn't this plan interfere with American and global citizen's (and their posterity's) right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Is consequential intervention possible?

Various authorities indicate CO2 emissions from coal plants and petroleum exhaust are dangerously altering our atmosphere.

The United States claims to be a leader in mainstream deployment of photovoltaics. A graph entitled US Electricity Consumption on page 42 of the United States Energy Policy Plan, July 1995; Sustainable Energy Strategy -Clean and Secure Energy for a Competitive Economy[2] indicates that the other category including all electricity produced except by fossil, nuclear and hydro fuels grew only 0.1% from 0.5% of the US Energy Consumption in 1975 to 0.6% in 1994. In that same twenty years US consumption of coal doubled, and the price of photovoltaics fell from $500 watt peak to under $5 watt peak.[3]

Support The Living Planet Campaign With Purchase of BI-PV Rooftops for Your Home or Business
Open a Millennium Dome(R) BI-PV Manufacturing Museum

Time Is A Key Element To Consider

We must remember, it took millions of years to create the oil, coal and natural gas we have consumed in less than 100 brief years as well as the miraculous twenty miles of paradise that provides the air we of every race, religion and nation breath in communion over 14,000 times, daily. Even fossil fuels need oxygen to burn. Various authorities indicate CO2 emissions from coal plants and petroleum exhaust are dangerously altering our atmosphere.

Salt water is often used to fill the cavities we empty for oil expecting the globe to heal itself and remain a balanced evolving eco-system. Less than one hundred years ago, oil pools could be seen on the surface of the earth in many parts of the world. The earth needs the natural oil lubricant it has created for itself over millions of years as well as the buffer to the sun created by a healthy atmosphere. The fastest vehicle we all ride on is planet earth. The oil, natural gas and atmosphere are the lubricants that keep the journey smooth. A geophysicist recently described to me an earthquake caused by the use of saltwater to fill a carvity left by oil removal. Will we be pumping synthetic oil back in the earth by 2020?

CHOICE: Global Paradise vs Implosion

In the altered condition we are quickly creating, the earth will doubtfully exist long enough to replace the organic materials it took millions of years to create. Under normal circumstances -as best we know, it may be predicted that the continued process of rapid removal and contamination of the natural fluids and gases in and around the earth will result in premature human extinction and the implosion of this planet millions of years before its natural life-cycle is complete.

ADDED NOTE TO ORIGINAL PAPER: I have many more questions than I'll ever have answers to, therefore I was quite amazed when at a meeting with a room full of business professionals and science professors, one professor complained there was nothing exciting for his students to study. After several moments of awkward silence, I suggested he have them do an exercise to determine how long it will take at present levels of oil deployment in the Middle East (75% of US oil consumption 1996) for the Holy Lands to subside into the earth; and how far the Holy Lands will likely subside if all of the oil is removed as planned. I mentioned the Orange County news article that ran following the earthquake in Iran last winter. It indicated over 200,000 people have died in the Middle East due to earthquakes since 1968. It would be interesting to see if there is any relation to the oil cavities and how they relate to geographic areas on the earth's surface in the Middle East and around the world. How much have they shifted since 1900s, 1950s and since 1968. They promised to get right on it. Hope to have a report at the 1998 American Power Conference. The question has evolved to include the problem of how to safely take an x-ray of the earth from an orbiting satellite. END OF NOTE

The earth is a beautiful paradise. It is a priceless environmental haven unique throughout our galaxy, as are the unique reasoning qualities of humanity. If a handful of people may perpetuate the described tragic condition, then a small group of people may easily persuade a global humanity very much wanting to survive to accept a rational strategy to cooperatively preserve the earth and humanity while we show them how to retain and advance our newly developed luxuries of electricity and mobility through the rapid deployment of sustainable fuels.

Deployment Costs + Externality Expenses

NOTE: Refer to Robert J. Ringer's "Million Dollar Habits" Chapter entitled: 'The Morality Habit -Concentricity'

The first step in transforming the unhealthy co-dependent relationship with fossil, nuclear and hydro fuels is to release the double bind of dependency and destruction. Last year, we began the process to remove our nation's poor off of welfare. America also initiated the deregulation of energy in California.[4] In doing, so we have wisely begun a process that will also remove energy cartels from a system of deployment and externality funding much like social welfare.

These resources pay to clean up or rectify the more immediate and familiar externality expenses of oil, coal and natural gas which daily contribute toward the potential catastrophic disaster described in the introduction. These fuel deployment problems include daily oil spills (large and small), coal lung disease, strip mining (and damming) the most beautiful areas of a nation, psychological disease caused by blind addictive greed, earthquakes, remote energy centers that waste millions of dollars in inefficient cumbersome energy transmission and the illness of adults and children from cancer and other diseases caused by the energy industry's second-hand smoke.

In 1993, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported that passive smoking is responsible for approximately 3000 lung cancer deaths a year in nonsmokers in the United States.[5] Many substances have been made illegal due to the inability of commerce and the consumer to evolve safe and rational decisions on their own. Cigarettes are not as dangerous as the numerous emissions presently permitted in the energy industry. The difference is that consumers are not being given a choice in the matter. Petroleum exhausts, CO2 from coal plants and petrol-chemical refinery emissions dominate inner-city air, daily. Physical symptoms include coughing, burning eyes, and nose bleeds. Children's Hospital LA in Hollywood cited a steady increase in cancer patients.

NOTE: Children with cancer represent fifty percent of their client base year round.

Due to the area continually being over the compliance level, the Maryland Department of Environment and the local American Lung Association created the Ozone Pollution Map to broaden public awareness about ground level ozone in Baltimore and DC.[6]

Are There Healthy Alternatives?

Nuclear power has been lambasted throughout the world because of the many dangers from nuclear waste which no one wants to or knows how to take care of along with the threat of nuclear war, nuclear catastrophe or the ultimate mishap entitled 'the China Syndrome'. Many nuclear plants in the United States have been closed or never opened. Two nuclear plants in Washington state were slated for demolition last year after sitting closed for ten years by a lawsuit. They will be destroyed without providing one watt of energy. Before I was enlightened on the subject of energy deployment as an employee at the Northwest Power Planning Council in 1985, I believed -as many people believe -that hydro-electric power is a safe, environmental energy fuel to use.

What I discovered was the terrible effects of hydro-plants on eco-systems of the world's most beautiful and important waterways.[7] It was with great sadness that I learned the Yangtze river in China is slated to be transformed to a hydro-electric power plant in the spring. This past year, I spoke in Egypt, and learned about some of the damaging effects of the thirty year old dam on the Nile. The Northwest Power Planning Council spend much of their budget to attempt to reduce the loss of salmon and other river life damaged by hydro-electric plants in the northwest. Until 1991, I had come to the conclusion that there were not any economically pursued energy resources that are safe and clean. After nearly twenty years, I was re-introduced to photovoltaics (PV). I found, to my surprise, PV is flourishing behind the scenes.


Relying On A Billion-Year Track Record

In 1991, I was researching alternative energy resources for use in restoration of a beautiful 400,000 SF train station in Kansas City, Missouri[8] In 1992, I founded the Solar Development Cooperative -Lighting the Way With Creation's Original Remedy to assure timely deployment of building-integrated photovoltaics (BI-PV) throughout the United States energy industry and a global marketplace.[9]

The Advent of the

Headrick Solar-Voltaic Dome(TM) Power Station

In 1993, while preparing my first grant application involving the use of the 'solar chimney', the German Company who had built a solar chimney told me the best configuration they knew of for the project I was working on at Kansas City Union Station would be the Solar-Voltaic DomeTM patented by a Lt. Colonel Richard T. Headrick in 1986. They put me in contact with Colonel Headrick. This unique solar array increases output on an acre over 4.5 times from 60 kWp at the traditional Hesperia field to 262.5 kWp. Jon McGowan, a mechanical engineer at the University of Massachusetts completed a study of this invention for the Department of Energy in 1986 giving the solar array technology an enthusiastic review.[11]

The cost of PV was still over $200 a watt at that time. Today, PV is under $5 a watt. After three years of marketing this solar-voltaic dome power station, globally, I recently came to Irvine, California to research potential sites considered for a prototype PV solar electric building materials manufacturing plant using this solar dome array. The project will cost from $2.5 million upward.[12] Phase I of my See-Saw Economics Plan is to educate and test. The prototype projects built as manufacturing plants also provide accelerated production of PV materials.

SDC Anounces 15-Year
$2 Billion Dollar Business Plan

See-Saw Economics

0-1-10 Projects
210,000 SF PV Surface
2.62 MWp - 12.5 Watts SF
$25 Million
1995 - 1997
Market Development
Educate and Test
100 Projects
2.1 Million SF PV Surface
26.2 MWp BI-PV
Build Two In Each State Of United States
$200 Million
1995 - 2000
BI-PV Industry Stabilizes
Refine - Service & Accelerate Focus
1000 Projects
21 Million SF PV Surface
262.5 MWp BI-PV
$2 Billion Dollars
1995 - 2010
BI-PV Industry Matures
Innovate & Expand Focus
Solar Bonds
Construction Funding
Energy Income and Savings
Figure 2 See-Saw Economics
© Copyright 1995 Developed by Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch. All Rights Reserved


Edison Economics In 1896 & Today

The world is much smaller, today, than it was when Thomas Edison was giving away light bulbs in 1896 to evolve the electricity industry. When we think of the many advancements in the past fifty years, it is amazing to remember that many Americans have had electricity and indoor toilets for only sixty to seventy-five years. I can remember when our famly purchased our first black and white television. The energy industry has grown with leaps and bounds, and continues to grow with a massive energy demand taking shape, globally. It is up to responsible decision-makers to assure clean sustainable energy resources are deployed in meeting this demand.

In 1896, Edison's unique entrepreneurial spirit laid the solid foundations for mainstream energy deployment. Electricity was twenty cents a kWh. From his plant in West Orange, New York Edison's $6,000 plus clients only paid five (5) cents a kWh, as did people who used block grants to deploy electricity. Edison's accomplishments and spirit are an inspiration to find the way to evolve healthy energy choices, today. The United States is expected to invest as much as $200 billion in new electric generation capacity in this decade to replace aging power plants and to keep up with rising demand.[13]

Characteristics & Benefits of the

Headrick Solar-Voltaic Dometm

The 21,000 SF PV array creating 262.5 kWp on an acre electronically tracks the sun for maximum electricity generation and passive solar shading. It is the most efficient solar array in existence, today. The 208.7' dome roof creates 34,000 SF leasable under the dome. The solar dome array may be integrated into a variety of structues with structural modifications. These are five examples designed by SDC:

12' Gazebo38 SF450 Watt peak
30' Monticello475 SF6kWp
100'Economy5,233 SF65 kWp
208.7'Headrick21,000 SF262 kWp
300-400'Deluxe42,000 SF525 kWp
© Copyright 1996 Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch.

These five dome solar array models will provide a tremendous opportunity for a variety of clients to realize the benefits of the solar array to be featured in the Headrick Solar-Voltaic Dome(TM) Power Station Pattern Book for Architects and Engineers

Solar Development Cooperative's

Externality value Factoring

+Aesthetics factor
+Low maintenance noise factor
+Infinite existance of fuel factor
+Clean sustainable energy factor
+Pollution-free reliable fuel factor
+Ease of integration into two existing industries factor
+Vested Interest Of Expanding Value of Photovoltaics Over Next Millennium


=BI-PV Externality Value Factor

Think of all of the money spent on art.
People are willing to spend a little extra for something that looks nice.
When BI-PV is 10% of US Energy, it will cost less than a penny a kWh.

Building-Integrated PV vs Remote Field

Building-integrated photovoltaics is a whole new industry with its own natural set of economic and technology deployment rules. Energy deployment using large remote sites do not exploit the natural benefits and characteristics of photovoltaics. The PV industry will flourish with solar electric building rooftops, walls and colorful mosaics creating electricity woven into structures.

Headrick Solar-Voltaic DomeTM Power Station
Indonesian Fishing Village - Rendering of Proposed Project
On-Site Refrigeration To Increase Fresh Fish Preserved Over 50%

© Copyright 1988 Design by Headrick Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved


featuring Science City and the Solar SolutionTM for Kansas City's Union Station

© Copyright 1990-95 Design by Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch.

Figure 3 Available on Proceedings PDF file - also see BI-PV PEP USA


1000 PV Roofs Program[14]: 1993-1995

The German States installed over 2000 grid-connected PV roofs on residences in every region of their nation.
Germany is above the 49 degree parallel north of the United States - Canadian border.
Germany has an average of only 2 to 3 peak sun hours a day.
California has 4 to 6 peak sun hours a day 300 days a year.

0-1-10-100-1000 Approach[15]

For practical experiments leading to large-scale deployment, the Netherlands Agency of Energy and the Environment opted for the "0-1-10-100-1000 Approach".

"O"= pilot projects at research institutes
Test projects examine: