Lighting the Way With Creation's Original Remedy

ElectriCityŽ Design Studio With BI-PV Product Showrooms

We have a comprehensive vision for the BI-PV industry. We believe our design studio and product showrooms will set the industry in motion. Every public consumer must have informed access to these important products to assure our nation remains competitive. The American people must be given the choice to decide whether they are willing to justify the economics of their purchases.

The Solar Development Cooperative generates activities in the design process to emphasize and enhance Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BI-PV) Externality Value Factors as they aid participants in developing bridges that transverse economic gaps, transform BI-PV design and assure clean sustainable energy reliability. We know how important it is to have a quality service industry developed by businesses whose primary interest is BI-PV system design and installation with the support services needed in mining and technology development for the industry to become successful.

If you would like to open one or adapt a portion of your firm specialty to BI-PV, please let us assist you in this transition. For the BI-PV showrooms, we recommend high-traffic quality areas where thousands of people a day will be able to walk through our showrooms representing the finest blend of BI-PV products and service now available and affordable in this growing marketplace, today.

Our BI-PV NEWSLetter is a available to professionals in the industry and the public. If you are a service or product provider in the BI-PV Industry, CONTACT us for information about advertising in our next issue. Our goal is to unite quality photovoltaic science, solar electric building materials manufacturing, building-integrated photovoltaic systems design and installation with a quality service industry as we evolve the important foundations of this thriving new sustainable industry.

ElectriCityŽ Design Studio With Product Showroom -was to open in Newport Beach, California Spring 1998 -Lack of Formal Support by California Public Utility Commission in Deregulation Information Packets Dramatically Reduced Investor Confidence in BI-PV Industry Service - May 1998 - We Are Working To Remedy This Problem And Assure Cooperation And A Quality Service Industry For The Safety Of Consumers And Distribution Technicians


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