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Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 08:00:33 -0800 (PST)
From: "Eileen M. Smith M.Arch." <> Add to Address Book
Subject: Fwd: BI-PV Seminar

Dear Judy:

Please find attached a message from M Watson.  He has attempted 
to register for the course on February 27th and they registered 
him for April 24th.  There have been other complaints regarding 
the on-line registration.  I had a link to my website for people 
to register, and it has been changed several times hindering access to the course registration.  

I am very concerned that the on-line registration for the February 
27th course has been prematurely changed to the April 24th date. 
 If I knew Dr. Mario Vidalon's e-mail I would address this message 
to him.  I will bring him a copy of the note on Thursday and discuss 
this problem.  Judy, I simply do not have the time and resources 
to prepare a course just to have the UCI Extension complicate registration and discourage enrollment.  

There is no reason why both these courses shouldn't have ample registration 
with full cooperation from the marketing department of UCI Extension. 
 I simply cannot afford to allow you to misuse my resources and time in this way.

If you are not going to make a cooperative effort to gain enrollment 
for these courses from omiting my name from catalog entries to changing 
the on-line registration prematurely, I will need to charge you 
for my time in preparing the courses whether you allow them to go 
forward or not.  I have tried to be patient with you, but this is 
intolerable incompetence that is costing us both.  If there is any 
issue that needs to be addressed or changes that need to be made 
you need to talk to me.  You indicated to me enrollment for the 
February 20th and 27th courses would be open until the day before 
the courses.  At least you are earning a salary to coordinate courses, 
remember.  Please be considerate.


Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch.   

note: forwarded msg attached.


Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch. Founder & CEO
Lighting the Way With Creation's Original Remedy
3535 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, CA  92625
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Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 21:48:40 EST
From: Add to Address Book
Subject: BI-PV Seminar

Dear Eileen;

I registered for the seminar at UC Irvine on 2/27 online
but the confirmation notice says it's on 4/24 which is a 
day I can't attend.  

Please let me know if 2/27 is OK.



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