
The Services subkeys  contain parameters for the device drivers, file system drivers, and Win32 service drivers.
The name of each Services subkey is the name of the service, which is also the root of the name of the file from which the service is loaded. For example, for the serial mouse, the service name and Services subkey name is Sermouse. The file from which this is loaded is SystemRoot\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\SERMOUSE.SYS.
All service names are defined under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE. The names of the Windows NT built-in network services such as the Alerter and Browser services are defined under the Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion subkey in the Software area of the Registry.
Each Services subkey can have additional subkeys. Many services have a Linkage subkey, which provides data for binding network components. Many services also have a Parameters subkey that contains entries defined by the service with values for configuring the specific service.
Values for Parameters subkeys and other service-specific entries are described in these sections in this chapter: Loading the services
Los servicios se agrupan en grupos de servicios. Windows NT carga estos grupos de forma secuencial según el orden dado por la clave ServiceGroupOrder. Dentro de cada grupo el orden de carga de los servicios que lo integran viene dado por GroupOrderList. Los servicios que no están asignados a ningún grupo son cargados después de que todos los grupos hayan sido cargados. La parte del sistema operativo encargado de la carga de servicios es el Service Control Manager, SCM.

The following standard value entries appear for each Services subkey:
Type REG_DWORD Tipos de servicios
ErrorControl REG_DWORD Severity of error if the service fails to start during boot
Group REG_SZ  Specifies the Service Group name that a service belongs to
Start REG_DWORD Modo de arranque del servicio
DisplayName REG_SZ Identificador del servicio en Panel de control - Servicios o Dispositivos
DependOnGroup REG_MULTI_SZ Defines the Service Groups which must be loaded succesfully (at least one service from the named group) before this service loads.
DependOnService REG_MULTI_SZ Servicios que deben ser cargados con éxito antes de que este arranque
ImagePath REG_SZ Pathname of service or driver file. For adapters, is ignored
For a driver, systemroot\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\driverName.SYS. 
For a service, systemroot\SYSTEM32\serviceName.EXE 
ObjectName REG_SZ Specifies an object name: 
  • If Type specifies a WIN32 Service, this name is the account name that the service will use to log on when the service runs.
  • If Type specifies a Kernel driver or file system driver, this name is the Windows NT driver object name that the I/O Manager uses to load the device driver.
Parameters\Application  REG_SZ Nombre completo del programa a ejecutar por este servicio
Tag REG_DWORD A unique numeric value within a Service Group which determines the service load order in that group 

Nivel de error si falla el arranque:
0x0 (Ignore) If the driver fails to load or initialize, start up proceeds. No warning is displayed
0x1 (Normal) If the driver fails to load or initialize, startup should proceed, but display a warning
0x2 (Severe)  If the startup is not using the LastKnownGood control set, switch to LastKnownGood. If the startup attempt is using LastKnownGood, continue on in case of error
0x3 (Critical) Fail the attempted system startup. If the startup is not using the LastKnownGood control set, switch to LastKnownGood. If the startup attempt is using LastKnownGood, run a bug-check routine

Tipos de servicios:
0x1 A Kernel device driver.
0x2 File system driver, which is also a Kernel device driver
0x4 A set of arguments for an adapter
0x10 A Win32 program that can be started by the Service Controller and that obeys the service control protocol. This type of Win32 service runs in a process by itself.
0x20 A Win32 service that can share a process with other Win32 services. 
For example, when you start Windows NT, the Boot Loader scans the Registry for drivers with a Start value of 0 (which indicates that these drivers should be loaded but not initialized before the Kernel) and a Type value of 0x1 (which indicates a Kernel device driver such as a hard disk or other low-level hardware device driver). The drivers are then loaded into memory in the order specified as the List value in CurrentControlSet\Control\ServiceGroupOrder

Grupos de servicios:

Boot file system
Event log
Extended base
File system
Keyboard Port
PCI Configuration
Pointer port
Primary disk
SCSI Class
SCSI miniport
Streams Drivers
System Bus Extender
Video Init
Tipo de arranque del servicio:

    NT loads services and drivers in three phases, each of which corresponds to a particular Start definition. The first phase, Boot, occurs just after NTOSKRNL starts. At this time, the system loads only those drivers essential to NT's boot. The second phase, System, is when the system loads the majority of device drivers. The system is still in its text mode (blue screen) during this phase. The system initiates the third phase, Auto, about the time the Win32 subsystem starts. You can identify approximately when the Win32 services start by the appearance of the system logon dialog box.

The Start value is ignored for adapters. If Type is a Win32 Service value, the Start value must specify an Auto, Demand, or Disabled value.
SERVICE_BOOT_START 0x0 Kernel  (Phase 2) Represents a part of the driver stack for the boot (startup) volume and must therefore be loaded by the Boot Loader (OSLoader)
SERVICE_SYSTEM_START 0x1 I/O subsystem  (Phase 5) Represents a driver to be loaded at Kernel initialization (at blue screen) 
SERVICE_AUTO_START 0x2 Service Control Manager  (Phase 8) To be loaded or started automatically for all startups, regardless of service type (after Win32 starts­approximately when logon prompt appears)
SERVICE_DEMAND_START 0x3 Service Control Manager  (On demand) Available, regardless of type, but will not be started until the user starts it (for example, by using the Devices icon in Control Panel).
SERVICE_DISABLED 0x4 Service Control Manager Not to be started under any conditions

Algunos parametros especiales



















MaintainServerList  Decide si un ordenador puede ser un Examinador. Sus posibles valores son:
No     This computer will never be a browser
Yes    This computer will become a browser
Auto  This computer is a potential browser
IsDomainMasterBrowser Decide que servidores se convierten en Examinador principal (Master Browser) y Examinador secundario (Backup Browser). Setting the  entry to True or Yes or 1 on a computer makes that computer a preferred master browser.













"Mixer_Master_Out"="ON,Salida principal,Volumen"
"Mixer_Wave_Input"="ON,Entrada de onda,Grabación"
"Mixer_Voice_Commands"="ON,Comandos de voz,Voz"
"DSP Version"=





"DisplayName"="Cliente DHCP"


























[EventLog\Application\Type 1 Installer]


[EventLog\Application\Windows 3.1 Migration]





[EventLog\Security\NetDDE Object]

[EventLog\Security\NetDDE Object\ObjectNames]
"DDE Share"=01d00

[EventLog\Security\SC Manager]

[EventLog\Security\SC Manager\ObjectNames]
"SC_MANAGER Object"=01c00
"SERVICE Object"=01c10



[EventLog\Security\Security Account Manager]

[EventLog\Security\Security Account Manager\ObjectNames]




"TypesSupported"=7 ( one message for each system module ... )

















Announce DWORD   Intervalo entre dos announces del cliente browser en segundos
Autodisconnect 0 to 4294967294 minutes idle to disconnect; 4294967295=disable
AutoShareServer = 3D0 Remove administrative shares permanently (C$,D$...)  in a server
AutoShareWks = 3D0 Remove administrative shares permanently (C$,D$...)  in a server
DiskSpaceThreshold DWORD   Percentage of free disk space remaining before the OS sends an alert
EnableSecuritySignature 1 = enabled SMB signing
Hidden DWORD    Determina si el resto de ordenadores de la red ven en su lista de equipos este ordenador: 0=ordenador visible,1=ordenador invisible (los recursos compartidos de este equipo siguen estando disponibles)
NullSessionPipes It exists a security enhancement that restricts anonymous (null session) logons when they connect to specific named pipes, including the one for Registry access. This key value defines the list of named pipes that are exempt from this restriction.
Lmannounce Value is set to 1 (TRUE) to make Windows NT browser visible to LAN Manager clients. This setting causes the Windows NT browser to announce itself with a LAN Manager 2.x compatible server announcement.
RequireSecuritySignature 1 = enabled SMB signing required





"Name"="Red de Microsoft Windows"









"Device Description"=4d,00,61...



"Center Cursor"=1
"Window Ratio"=50001a0

"PowerDesk Path"="D:\\Archivos de programa\\MGA NT PowerDesk\\"

[MGACtrl\PowerDesk\Current Settings]
"Bits per Pixel"=10
"Desktop Type"=

"Bits per Pixel"=8
"Font Size"=78
"Desktop Type"=3
"OffScreen Usage"=

[MGACtrl\PowerDesk\Schemes\High Color]
"Bits per Pixel"=10
"Font Size"=78
"Desktop Type"=
"OffScreen Usage"=

[MGACtrl\PowerDesk\Schemes\Low Res]
"Bits per Pixel"=8
"Font Size"=60
"Desktop Type"=
"OffScreen Usage"=

"Bits per Pixel"=8
"Font Size"=78
"Desktop Type"=2
"OffScreen Usage"=

[MGACtrl\PowerDesk\Schemes\Rainbow in 800]
"Bits per Pixel"=18
"Font Size"=78
"Desktop Type"=
"OffScreen Usage"=

[MGACtrl\PowerDesk\Schemes\Trusty 8bits]
"Bits per Pixel"=8
"Font Size"=78
"Desktop Type"=
"OffScreen Usage"=

"Bits per Pixel"=8
"Font Size"=78
"Desktop Type"=1
"OffScreen Usage"=











"Mask"=f0ffffff"token"="3C592" ( EISA cards )

"token"="AT1700" ( MCA cards )

"token"="3C590" ( PCI cards )
























EnableDNS 1 = Habilita DNS para resolver nombres NetBIOS
EnableLMHOSTS 1 = Habilita el uso del fichero LMHOSTS para resolver nombres NetBIOS
ScopeID Identificador de ámbito
EnableProxy 1 = Habilta el equipo para responder a broadcasts de nombres NetBIOS
MaxPreload Máximo número de entradas de LMHOST de tipo #PRE cargadas a caché en el arranque. Defecto 100.









"DBFlag "="0"








[NWlnkIPX]                    Related to Netware link (over the IPX\SPX Compatible Transport)
[NWlnkIPX\NetConfig\<adapter name>]

[NWlnkNB]                    Related to NetBIOS  by NWLinkNetBIOS (over the IPX\SPX Compatible Transport)





[Pcmcia\DataBase\3Com Corporation\3C589]
( Pcmcia cards ... )

















"Medias"=(7):72,61,73,74,61,70,69,00,00 [RasMan\PPP]












































[Tcpip\Parameters\PersistentRoutes] [Tcpip\Parameters\Winsock]




The following four values control name resolution order for Windows NT
















[WinSock\Setup Migration]
"Setup Version"=01009
"Provider List"=(7):4e,65,74...
"Known Static Providers"=(7):54,63,70...

[WinSock\Setup Migration\Providers\NetBIOS]
"WinSock 1.1 Provider Data"=0e,10,00...
"WinSock 2.0 Provider ID"=30,18,5f...

[WinSock\Setup Migration\Providers\Tcpip]
"WinSock 2.0 Provider ID"=a0,1a,0f,e7...

[WinSock\Setup Migration\Well Known Guids]