

HKCU\AppEvents contains two subkeys: EventLabels, where you find event names (e.g., mail arrival, window minimize), and Schemes, where you find sound and event associations. Under Schemes\Apps you find groups of event keys whose values can point at wave files. You can easily change these settings via the Control Panel Sounds applet.


.Default Bip predeterminado
AppGPFault Error de programa
Close Cerrar programa
EmptyRecycleBin Vaciar la papelera de reciclaje
MailBeep New Mail Notification
Maximize Maximizar
MenuCommand Comando de menú
MenuPopup Menú emergente
Minimize Minimizar
Open Abrir programa
RestoreDown Restaurar abajo
RestoreUp Restaurar arriba
RingIn Llamada entrante
RingOut Llamada saliente
SystemAsterisk Asterisco
SystemExclamation Exclamación
SystemExit Salir de Windows NT
SystemHand Parada crítica
SystemQuestion Pregunta
SystemStart Iniciar Windows NT



























































@="Piratas Marchosos.wav"

@="Sonido de cierre de sesión de Windows NT.wav"

@="Explorador de Windows"




@="Reproductor de medios"







@="Grabadora de sonidos"








@="Predeterminado de Windows NT"

@="Sin sonido"


HKCU\Console contains a subkey for each Command Prompt shortcut in the user's account. Under these subkeys, you find all the properties (e.g., foreground and background text colors, window size, edit mode) for the command window that's created when you execute a particular shortcut. You can access all these values through the Properties menu item on the individual command prompt windows.
"ColorTable00"=00  ...  "ColorTable15"=00ffffff

[Control Panel]

HKCU\Control Panel contains GUI settings such as desktop and screen-saver parameters, cursor file associations, and window attributes such as colors and geometry settings. As the key's name suggests, you can edit most of these values through Control Panel applets; however, you must edit some values via a Registry editor. For example, to make the window focus follow the mouse, you must set the value of HKCU\ControlPanel\Mouse\ActiveWindowTracking to 1 (and reboot for the change to take effect). To tell Windows how long (in milliseconds) to pause before it displays the cascading menus of the Start menu, you must edit HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\MenuShowDelay.
[Control Panel\Accessibility]

[Control Panel\Accessibility\KeyboardResponse]


[Control Panel\Accessibility\ShowSounds]

[Control Panel\Accessibility\StickyKeys]




"Blanco en alto contraste"=hex:02,00,00...

"Background"="128 128 128"
"ButtonDkShadow"="00 0"

"Color Schemes"="Predeterminados de Windows"

[ControlPanel\Custom Colors]

"IconTitleFaceName"="MS Sans Serif"
MenuShowDelay =0      Time before a menu is desplegated (miliseconds)
AutoEndTasks =1    During shutdown NT closes all the open processes automatically

[Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]
"Shell IconSize"="32"

sDate Separador para fechas
sTime Separador para horas
sShortDate Formato corto de fecha. P.e.: dd/MM/yy
sLongDate Formato largo de fecha. P.e.: ddddd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
sCurrency Moneda. P.e.: Pta
sTimeFormat Formato de hora. P.e.: HH:mm:ss

[ControlPanel\International\Sorting Order]



[Control Panel\MMCPL]

[Control Panel\Mouse]        Accesible throguh Panel Control/Mouse


"Cuadros"="127 65 65 65 65 65 1270"
"Paisley"="2 7 7 2 32 80 80 32"
"Trenza"="136 84 34 69 136 21 34 81"
"Estrías"="0 0 0 0 128 128 128 240"
"Tulipán"="0 0 84 124124 56 146 124"
"Trompo"="20 12 200 121 158 19 48 40"
"Escocés"="64192 200 120 120 72 0 0"
"Moscas"="0 80 114 32 0 5 39 2"
"50% Gris"="17085 170 85 170 85 170 85"
"Acolchado"="130 68 40 17 40 68 130 1"
"Diamantes"="3280 136 80 32 0 0 0"
"Tramado"="248 116 34 71 143 23 34 113"
"Diseño"="224128 142 136 234 10 14 0"

[ControlPanel\Screen Saver.3DFlowerBox]

[ControlPanel\Screen Saver.3DFlyingObj]

[ControlPanel\Screen Saver.3DPipes]

[ControlPanel\Screen Saver.Bezier]

[ControlPanel\Screen Saver.Marquee]
"Font"="Times New Roman"
"Text"="Escribasu texto aquí."
"TextColor"="255 0 255"
"BackgroundColor"="0 0 128""Mode"="1"

[ControlPanel\Screen Saver.Mystify]
"Clear Screen"="1"
"StartColor1"="0 0 0"
"EndColor1"="255 255 255"
"StartColor2"="0 0 0"
"EndColor2"="255255 255"

[ControlPanel\Screen Saver.Stars]




You find environment variable definitions in HKCU\Environment. You can change these definitions with the Control Panel System applet under the Environment tab.

[Keyboard Layout]

[Keyboard Layout\Preload]

[Keyboard Layout\Substitutes]


HKCU\Printers contain network drive-letter mapping information and printer connection data, respectively. You can set these values through Explorer, File Manager, and the Control Panel Printers applet."DeviceOld"="HP DeskJet 660C,winspool,LPT1:"


"HP DeskJet 660C"=48,00,50...

"HP DeskJet 660C"=07,00,00...



The heftiest subkey under HKCU is Software. Most applications create subkeys under HKCU\Software that consist of the vendor's name (e.g., Microsoft) and contain subkeys for the vendor's applications (e.g., Windows NT). Subkeys and values within the application keys are where programs locate user-dependent information, such as most recently used (MRU) menu items, appearance characteristics, and usage preferences.
[UNICODE Program Groups]
The HKCU\UNICODE Program Groups and HKCU\Windows 3.1 Migration Status subkeys contain upgrade information if you've upgraded the system from a previous version of NT or from Windows 3.x. NT 4.0 does not use the UNICODE Program Groups subkey, and the subkey doesn't contain any information if you've never installed a previous version of NT. Upgraded machines may display obsolete program group data under this subkey. The Windows 3.1 Migration Status subkey contains information about whether Windows 3.x .grp and .ini files have been converted to NT 4.0 format.
[Windows 3.1 Migration Status]

[Windows 3.1 Migration Status\Groups]

[Windows 3.1 Migration Status\IniFiles]

[Volatile Environment]