Culture Zone   

With a myriad of attractions at hand, tourists are often at a loss to where to begin. We suggest Kota Bharu, the state capital. The sights and sounds of this bustling town is proof of the Kelantanese penchant for free enterprise.Modern buildings jostle alongside landmarks from another era while colourfully decorated trishaws ply the streets.
Kelantan is hailed as the cultural haven of Malaysia. It is here, at the Cultural Centre or Gelanggang Seni that you can witness Kelantan's rich culture heritage. Watch giant kites chase each other playfully in the azure sky, see tops the size of dinner plates spin rantically for hours and listen to the rich resonance of the rebana ubi (drums). In the evenings, cultural performances such as the Malay Traditional Music and wayang kulit take centrestage. The wayang kulit or shadow play, is a unique form of theatre inspired by the great Hindu epics, the Ramayana and Mahabrata. The tok dalang manipulates the puppets (made from buffalo hide and mounted on bamboo sticks) and modulates his voice to create drama and suspence. Showtimes: 3.30 pm - 5.30 pm (Sat, Mon & Wed) 9.00 pm - ll.00 pm (Sat & Wed) Admission: Free
Cultural Zone Many of the tourist attractions in Kota Bharu are conveniently located in the cultural zone, thus making it easily accessible. Take a leisurely stroll down Jalan Sultan and Jalan Hilir Kota and check out these places. They offer an invaluable insight into the history of Kelantan. Opening hours are from 10.30 am to 5.45 pm daily exept Fridays. Admission is free except for the Royal Museum, Islamic Museum, Syura Hall, Royal Custom Museum and Craft Museum. The admission fee is RM2.00 for adult and RMl.00 for children. Pleese also note that the lstana Balai does not admit visitors.
Royal Museum / Istana Batu Istana Batu was designed and built in 1939 during the reign of Sultan lsmail 1. It was used as a venue for royal weddings as well as to house royal guests. Today, it has been converted into the Royal Museum where regalia and palace items belonging to former Sultans are on display. These include silverware, bedroom items and furniture from the royal household. There is also a photographic exhibition on the life of the late Sultan of Kelantan. Admission: RM2.00
Museum Of Royal Traditions And Customs Built in 1887 by Sultan Muhamad I I for his grandson Long Kundur, this former palace, lstana Jahar, is now a museum. The intricate wood carvings are testimony to the superb craftsmanship of the Kelantanese. Photographs, artefacts and exhibits on Kelantan's rich cultural heritage will keep visitors enthralled.
Islamic Museum 1 Syura Hall The history of Islam in Kelantan is well documented in the artefacts and inscriptions exhibited here. The setting-up of the Islamic Museum is timely as Kelantan is one of the centres of Islamic Learning.
War Museum The War Museum occupies the oldest brick building in Kelantan, dating back to 1912. This historic building now houses Japanese memorabilia and documents relating to World War Two.
Handicraft Village and Craft Museum Kelantan's exquisite range of handicrafts is on display here.Silverware, "songket", batik and woodcarvings are exhibited and are for sale as well.
lstana Balai Besar This palace was built by Sultan Muhamad II in 1840 to replace his riverine palace on the Kelantan river. lt now serves as the v~nue for ceremonial functions and investiture ceremonies.
Merdeka Square The site of many historical events, Merdeka Square rose to prominence in 1844 after the completion of the lstana Besar. It is also known as Padang Bank.
State Mosque This mosque took ten years to build, i.e., from 1916-1926 during the reign of Sultan lsmail. Visitors are required to seek the permission of the caretaker before entering. They should be properly attired and should remove their shoes.



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