Hi, I'm Jeffrey "Scott" Harris.



I live in humble but genteel semi-retirement out in a quiet rural area up the Coal River between Tornado and Hurricane, near the town of Saint Albans which is a short distance down the Kanawha River from West Virginia's capital city of Charleston. Got all that?

I am interested in cyberspace as a medium of culture and commerce.

man at work
Current Project

My Computers

DEC VT180 (relic)

Mac Plus (near relic)

Mac Classic (check writer)

Mac Performa 6115CD w/'486 card (desktop)

Mac PowerBook 1400c/166 (laptop)

iMac 333MHz - Tangerine



I was a military brat. I went to nearly as many schools, K-12, in as many years. I attended West Virginia University. Twice.

I am self-taught in computers, HTML and web publishing.

email If you're interested
in web publishing,
outdoors West Virginia
or the arts in West Virginia,
drop me a line...

Made with a Mac
This webpage was last modified October 25, 2000
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