Last Will & Testament of Bernhard Uhlein

Recorded in Rensselaer County
Surrogate Court, Rensselaer County Courthouse 
Troy, NY, Book 2, pgs 199 - 202
Recorded Nov 19 1804

In the name of God the father, God the son and god the holy gost amen. On the fourth Day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four, I, Bernhard Uhlein, of the town of Greenbush, and County of Renselaer, and State of New York, yeoman and advanced in years and calling in mind the mortallity of all man kind and that it is by the all powerful God appointed for men once to Depart from this world, and as the time which the allmighty God has marked out for my departure out of this transitory world is all uncertain to me therefore, I do make and ordain this my last will and testament, as I have yet my full judgment and sound understandings in the following manner: Principally and first of all, I return humble thanks to the allmighty God that it had pleased him to call me to the knolige (knowledge) of his greace and gospel of his well beloved son, Jesus Christ, my redimer and Saviour in his holy communion. I will with his greace live & dye; in consequence where of I recommend my soul to God the Father who hath given it me, to God the son who redimed me, and God the holy gost who sanctified me, with an ardent desire and firm hope to be forever with my gracious God in his glory for ever and I give my Body to the Land from where it came to be buried in a decent and Christian like manner, at the directions of my executors, whom I shall appoint hereafter. Not Doubting but that I shall at the general Resurection Receive the same again glorified by the power of my God in whom I beleive, And such worldly Estate wherwith it has pleased God to Bless me in this life I give and dispose of the same in the manner following Imprimisis, it is my last will and I hereby order that in the First place all my Just Debts and Funeral Expenses be duly paid and discharged out of my personal estate by my Executors.

Secondly, I give and bequith unto my beloved wife Anna Maria, the widow’s seat, one room in the house I now live in, and firewood provided By my son Andreas, kichen provided as much as she wants for her use, and bed in what she has needs for, two milk cows to be kept & foddered for her, provided one eqel tenth part of the benefit of the grist mill when she is to pay one eqel tenth part of all the Expenses such as rent and other expenses arising thereon. Further she is to have an equal tenth part of my money and my personal estate and wen she comes to dye what she has left is to be devidet between all my children.

Further, I give and bequith unto my son Andres my grist mill with all the tenaments Belonging to it and all the land lying on the north syd of the greke (creek) what belongs to my Farm so far southwest as to the barn & the one half of the young orchard but the barn excluted, wherefor he is to provide for his mother every nesesary article and wish she wants, out of her Liberty and he is to pay to each of his sister's two hundred and fifty dollars to every one of them namely Catarina, Maria, Margaretha, Sarah, Elisabeth and Eva all alike.

Further, I give and bequith unto my son Adam, twenty five acres of land of my farm running from the greke along Ciperlin's line out to the Flye. Further I give unto my son's Barny and John, the remainder part of my farm, and John is to have one horse and one yoke of oxen and one cow and one Plowgh and one harrow.

Further I give and begit unto my daghter's Elisabeth and Eva, one cow and four shep to each of them to make them eqel with their sisters and the remainder part of my personal estate is to be divideth between all my children, shear (share) and shear alik no more to one than the other, namely, Adam, Andres, Bernhard, John, Catherina, Maria, Margaretha, Sara, Elizabeth and Eva and lastly I nominate, constitute and appoint my trusty friends, Sebastian Wederwax, Conradt Beringer, & my son Andres Uhlien to be the executors of this, my last will & testament.

And do herby alien, revoke and disown all every other wills and testaments by me in any way before this time named wills along with ractifying and confirming this and others to be my last will & testament, in witness hereof, I the sayd Bernhard Uhlein have hereunto set my hand & seal day date above, signed sealed Delivered By the said Bernhard Uhlein as his last will & testament in the presence of:
George H. Cipperly
Henry [HC his mark] Cipperly and
Mathias Younghans

Bernhard Uhlein [LC]
(under, signature) Jeremiah Osborn

Rensselaer: Be it remembered that on the nineteenth day of November one thousand eight hundred and four, personally appeared before me, Jeremaih Osborn, Esquire & surrogate of the said county, Mathias Younghans, Henry Cipperly, two of the witnesses to the said will who being sworn on their Oath's declared that they did see Bernhard Uhlein, late of Greenbush in the county of Rensselaer & State of New York, sign and seal the instrument in writing of which the annexed is a copy given to them & heard him deliver it for the purposes therein mentioned at the time thereof the said Bernhard Uhlein was of sound disposing mind and memory to the best knowledge & belief of these deponents and that therein names subscribed thereto is of their own proper hand names & mark repsectively thereto as witnesses in the presence of the testator & that they did see George H. Cipperly, his name thereto as a witness in the presence of the testator and of each other & also on the same day & year aforesaid Sebastian Weatherwax, Conrat Beringer & Andres Uhlein.

Executors in the said will named were duly sworn to the faithful performance & execution thereof by taking the usual oaths as Executors. Dated this nineteenth Day of November one thousand eight hundred & four.

Jeremiah Osborn


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