Hello everyone,

I have made a lot of changes in the presentation of the Newsletter, which is the fifth since I took over as FA &CAO, Central Railway. It is also the last under my editorship. As most of you know, I am moving to Chennai as FA & CAO (ICF) in March. Since this is a personal and unofficial Newsletter, I am not sure whether this will continue. However, I assure all of you that the puzzles, crossword lessons etc. will definitely be continued by me, wherever I may be. The address of that site will be announced in March.

Nobody replied to my probability problem. So I presume everyone else in IRAS has also forgotten probability theory.

The highlight of January for all of us was the visit by FC to Mumbai. All of us were happy that he could find time to address the IRAS officers in Mumbai. His talk was preceded by an enlightening and professional presentation by Shri R.K.Sinha on 'GAAP and Railways'. For the ignorant ( which I also was till a few months back), GAAP stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and are issued by the Chartered Accountants' Institute of India.

I also felt happy in January that I shook the hands of Alvin Toffler and his wife, Heidi. Most of you would have heard of him. He is famous for his books 'Future shock', 'The third wave', 'Powershift' and many others. His wife is co-author of many of his books. They came to Mumbai to address a seminar organised by Xerox. He expanded on his concept that the third wave is powered by knowledge-workers ( First wave is agrarian and the second wave is industrial).

As it was possible to score more than 100%, the format of the quiz has again been changed. It is still in Javascript, but in a totally new format. Please attempt it.
