WWII Wrecks

The South China Sea harbours one of the largest variety of shipwrecks scattered on the seabed around Tioman Island.

Come and dive one of the only divable battleship in the world or cruise along the 250m long battle cruiser with large marble rays. See mantas fly over the flying brigde of the super tanker and explore the cargo holdes of the oiler.

B&J Diving Centre offers liveaboard and short trips on request to the most fascinating WWII Wrecks. Our IANTD technical facility provides you with all the necessary required for these exciting wreck expeditions. Make use of our long experience and knowledge of these wrecks to guarantee a safe and well organized tech trip

WWII Wrecks - description

Only a few people know that the South China Sea can offer great technical wreck diving.

In December 1941 a great number of British naval vessels sunk either in an air raid or in a mine field laid by Japanese forces north of Tioman. Among these unfortunate ships where the legendary HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse. Also two Dutch submarines found their final destination in the South China Sea after hitting the same mine field.

The main difference between Tioman and other World War II wreck diving destinations is that most of the wrecks around here are in deeper water and therefore only suitable for technical divers.

For further infomation please visit our official website
