Cartes des Iles Cap Vert - Mapas das Ilhas de Cabo Verde -Islands' Maps
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Cape Verde Facts -Factos sobre Cabo Verde

Capital: Praia Location: Group of islands located in the Atlantic, near the west coast of Africa and Senegal. Size 4033 km2 Language spoken: Portuguese and Crioulo (créole) History: Probably discovered by Ca' da Mósto in 1456. Became Portuguese possession in 1494. Became independent in 1975. *** Source: Petit Larousse Population: 2006 - Estimation- 486 000 Highest peak: Pico 9,281 ft Chief products: Cinnamon, coconuts and copra (Dried coconut meat.) Source World Book 2006

General Maps of Cape Verde, Cartas das ilhas do Cabo Verde

General Map, Carte de l'archipel, All the Islands

Individual map of the islands of Cape Verde - Cartas individuais das Ilhas do Cabo Verde

Santo Antão island - Ilha de Santo Antão

Santa Luzia island - Ilha de Santa Luzia (included in S. Vicente municipio)

São Nicolau Island - Ilha de São Nicolau

Sal Island - Ilha de Sal

Boa Vista Island - Ilha de Boa Vista

Maio Island - Ilha de Maio

Santiago Island - Ilha de São Tiago
The international airport, Praia - Mendes Airport is located on this island - O Aeroporto Mendes esta nesta ilha

Fogo Island - Ilha De Fogo

Brava Island - Ilha de Brava

São Vicente Island - Ilha São Vicente

See Also

Cook Islands maps
Marquesas Islands - Les Iles Marquises
Maps of Hawaii
Maps of New Caledonia - Cartes des iles de la Nouvelle-Caledonie
Cartes des Iles Maurices - Mauritius maps
Cara das Islas Malvinas - Maps of the Falkland Islands