For God so loved the world...
Did you know that God loves you? Right now, right where
you are, with whatever baggage you bring, no matter how
horribly you think you have lived your life, God wants to
give you the gift of life forever with Him!
God's own Word to us, His creation, is the Bible. In this book
God tells us how we can enjoy life with Him forever.
Heaven is a free gift! In the sixth chapter of the book of
Romans and verse 23, God says: "...the gift of God is
eternal life...". Therefore, since it is a gift from God,
all we need to do is to accept it. Even if we wanted to
earn it, God says it is a gift, so we can't.
Men are sinners. In the same book of Romans, in the third
chapter and verse 23, God tells us: "...for all have sinned
and fall short of the glory of God...". That means that every
person on earth, no matter who or where they are and no
matter how good they think they have been, falls short
of the perfection that God requires to be with Him.
God hates sin. Since God is perfect, He can not tolerate
imperfection and therefore hates all the wrong things
that we do. Hatred, jealousy, lying, stealing, and sexual
immorality are things that at one time or another we are
all guilty of. Again in Romans, God tells us in chapter 10
and verse 23: "For the wages of sin is death...". We all
are destined for eternal punishment since we have turned
our backs on the very God who created us. Isaiah 64 and
verse 6 says: "All of us have become like one who is
unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins
sweep us away." So therefore we could never do enough
good to out weigh the wrong things before God.
If you are still with me, hang on. The good stuff is coming!
God Himself provided a way to cover our sins! Because
He wants so much to be with you and because He wants
your devotion to Him, He gave His only Son to be the
one who bears our sins. John chapter 3 and verse 16 says:
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and
only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish
but have eternal life." When Jesus Christ hung on the
cross, all of the wrong things that we have done were
placed on Him, just as though He were the guilty one,
and He was punished in our place. The next verse, 17
says: "For God did not send His Son into the world to
condemn the world, but to save the world through Him."
Jesus came to this world to save you by taking your sins
upon His own back.
Believe. God does not want us to have any doubt about
our relationship with Him. He says in 1 John 5:13: "I write
these things to you who believe in the name of the Son
of God so that you may know that you have eternal life."
If you understand everything on this page, that's great!
But it is not enough. You must believe without a doubt.
Back in the book of Romans, chapter 10 and verse 9, He
tells us: "That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is
Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised Him from
the dead, you will be saved." Trust and belief in God's
ability to give you eternal life is one step and then
knowing that He will sustain you each day is the next.
Sometimes gradually and sometimes instantly, God
requires all that have fellowship with Him to become
totally dependant on Him and to believe that everything
He says is true. Is He calling your name today?
Our hope and prayer is that you will continue to seek
out a relationship with the God who created you and
wants to be with you forever. If you have a question
or want to share how God has changed your life,
please feel free to contact us. We love you!