Gates of Tartarus, 9:00, 8/24/03

The first day of school starts for me tomarrow. So to celebrate I took my friend Nick who just got back from visiting his family in South Dakota and visited the local mall. The only mall yes but the mall none the less. He had around $70 or so and ended up spending almost all of it. I forget on what but he has some new books, a new shirt, and some other things. I had my $15 but sadly it ended up being spent in the arcade and me putting some money down on a game that won't come out until November or something, Sword of Mana if you're a gamer. DDR was where most of money went in the arcade. Must've played 7 times or something. Its becoming worse of a habit than me playing fist of the north star every time I go and this game costs more. So if you go to the mall check Tilt for me. I'll be moving my feet or throwing my fists. Must've been there for at least 6 hours. But it was Kim's fault, shes my mom's friend and completely wasted her time. So I was marooned at the mall until it finally closed and I was marooned outside the mall.

But now to the school day tomarrow:

  • English 3, Sahlberg
  • Physics, Clancy
  • Drama 1, Agliolo
  • CEDAR, LaFrance
  • Pre-Calc, Susavilla
  • US Hist/Geog, Johnson

    Thats all my classes. In that order too. Sounds good except for english first period and pre-calc with susavilla. Heard way too many horror stories about Susavilla and english first period, i'll be out cold as soon as I reach my seat..

    listening to // Marcy Playground - Sex and Candy
    mood // good

    Between Heaven and Hell, Purgatory 8:19, 8/23/03

    Have a headache. Not a good thing. A nice numb pain right in my brain. *sighs* whatever. Slept in til 11 or so (score one for the team!) and wasted the day playing iRO (comodo on the 26th!) and reading a gag manga my brother found (score two for the team!). Angel Densetsu. A high school guy with the face of a demon but with the heart of an angel. Becomes a gang leader and accidently beating the shit out of a lot of people turning himself into a legend. lol its pretty good I reccomend it to anyone. Manga Sketchbook is the site where I got it from. Better than me reading another webcomic or something. Still need to finish YnM too.

    Oh yeah how did everyone like sprite comics from last time? Leave your comments in the haloscan so I know if I should try and make some new ones. Need some ideas too on what else to have on the site. I'll have access to a scanner and digital camera as soon as school starts up again so I guess I'll start with that. No one wants to see the pics from my failed art career but I do know some people with some high grade drawing skills so maybe I can coax them into scanning some pics. Wish I could host mp3s too. I'd have a weekly one. I'll always have my rants so thats cool too.

    Almost can't wait for school too. Get to attend my favorite class Cedar Academy. The class where you do your own thing the whole period the whole year. Definitely going to make a martial arts movie or something this year with my video editing skills. Hell maybe even have some bad dubbing in it for the total effect.

    Last thing before I go, spread the word about my site.
    Peace out.

    listening to // Silent Hill OST - Promise
    mood // head hurt

    One hour later...

    Forgot some things so hopefully I can wrap it up quick. First off uploaded my sprite comic.
    comic 1
    comic 2
    These were made ages but hey if they're liked I might make some more. They were all made in Paint btw. Man I love paint.

    Now, drumrool please...*bdddddddddd* thank you. For my thoughts on Yami no Matsuei. I'm liking it but hey it might be boredom. Its definitely aimed girls hell you can probably look at the first page and figure that out. Yaoi suggestions abounds! I'll finish it sure and the warnings to not read book 4 will not be heeded. I find the idea of a student and teacher of an all boys catholic getting it on to be quite funny lol.
    See ya...

    On the Soap Box (but only for today) 7:21, 8/22/03

    Still feeling like I just woke up an hour ago and its more like 10. A little tired, its a nice tired though, but my mind is a little clouded like whenever I take drugs that affect my senses in some way. Like painkillers or cold medicine. Dayquil or Nyquil doesn't matter which one you take just depends on how thick you want the haze you see through to be.

    Schools coming up of course for me. I have 2 or so days left. I know some people are dreading it of course (you know who you are) but I'm not. Kind of looking forward to it actually. Half of the classes I actually want to go to and the rest I guess I can do homework in or something. School just gets better the further along you're in it until you're finally in college. Everyone knows how it works there.

    Enough school garbage for now. Theres been two things that have been bothering me. Yesterday while patroling the halls of my school I went and said hi to some of the teachers i'm going to have this year to avoid the parents and the new freshman. When one teacher who I had my freshman year mentioned to me that I've changed. I'm wondering if thats really true. A lot of you probably haven't known me long enough to say if thats true or not but out of the people who have known me that long. Have I really changed? I feel no different today than yesterday or a year or even two years ago. Maybe kenken you can answer but have I changed? and if did how much?

    Now the other thing thats been bothering me. I've been on Gaia for past 2 months hanging out usually on general discussion and anime/manga as Flac. I don't know if its just me but theres so many teen angst and depression threads or threads about the result of that depression. If you're kinda lost i'll simplify it for you. Threads about how relationships suck or love is stupid then threads about cutting yourself or committing suicide. I have to say what happened to days when being depressed or angsty meant keeping to yourself. Its just getting out of hand. General discussion turned into those threads and just dumbass questions like "are you a boy or girl?" For the record I believe cutting yourself is a bad thing but each person has a way they relax themself. Me, I have a sigh where I take a deep breath then exhale like i'm blowing smoke. Other people play videogames, watch tv, hang out with friends, and of course you can cut yourself. Its just a different way of dealing with the problems everyone has. The worst fucking thing I'd have to say about the whole thing is the people are actually bloody conceited enough to think they're the only one to deal with the things they are dealing with. Then as human beings when we think we are the only one in something we take pride in it. Even if you don't know it you take pride in cutting yourself thinking you're the only one who does. Its like the elderly saying they're old as a defense to whatever a person says. The suicidal and self-mutilators do exactly the same thing. It makes them feel special in some way. Thats the part the disgusts me. They have groups therepy in rehab for this exact reason. Its not the sympathetic "you're not the only one" like they want you to think its the "stop feeling so goddamn self-righteous you're not special in this way at all." *sighs* Well thats what I believe I could be wrong.

    So all in all I believe people need to grow up. I know gaia is mainly teenagers. Those teenagers being the geeks, nerds, and otakus of the world. Only problem with being that is still not enough real life friends. Net pals are one thing but if you don't act like you do around them in real life with people you can see and touch it becomes pointless. A person you meet on the net is only a voice. Many people are starting to forget that you also hear voices in your head if you let mind wander. Oh yeah one last thing everyone hears voices. If they tell you to kill or you fantasize about killing someone its the same as them telling "hmm i'm hungry" or you fantasizing about a lover. Its inner monalogue and imagination. It all depends on you if listen or not. Maybe the elderly are right.

    Well I feel better doesn't everyone else?

    listening to // Berserk OST - Tell Me Why
    mood // relaxed

    Remote Location, 8:48, 8/21/03

    Making this update from the CEDAR lab. Today was the day of freshman orientation or Link as the cliche preppy girls and the leader (Ms. Howard) put it. All in all it wasn't so bad except for the ugly lime green shirt they made me wear. Had my trademark black underneath of course but for me it was a travesty. My freshman were ok. Equal number of boys and girls but kind of run of the mill. Each person belonging to their own social group right off the bat. Some misfits, some preps, some outsiders, complete apathy, and some i'm too cool for this (load of fucking bull as always, like you have anything better to do). I act look like the too cool sometimes but talk to me and i'm Jared not some nameless "cool person." I was hoping they'd have a little more life in them too but they were completely predictable. *sighs* Man that worry I had 10 minutes before I got to see them was for nothing. Just wish I remembered to keep the candy that I was supposed to give them but forgot. They didn't derserve it anyway.

    Kenken, Omi, and ayan sorry I haven't been around for the past few days. Its just been my crap with the Link and now I got school coming up this monday. *sighs* and now its time finally leave.
    Signing off.

    In the alley behind Al's Resturant: The Drop-off. 3:24, 8/18/03

    Real quick update. Got my playlist so everyone can see what I'm listening to. My playlist. Hit shuffle and you're on your way. I recommend all of the music to everyone and I guarantee you will at least find one song you like in the list. Any questions about the songs or where to get them once again email me at
    Peace out.

    Captain's Log, 2:42 stardate 8/18/03

    Back from Link training. Kinda nice being on the other end of the cliche bullshit. I'm going to be shoving it instead of eating it. The training didn't end up being that bad though. Hung out with Caleb and James. Also got to talk with Ava which I haven't done in while. Shes cool and is into some of the same things as me. I definitely want to try to hang out her some more. Just wish I got to say bye after the training was over so I could drop a hint of my feelings. Ah yes the fine art. I'll probably end up explaining how I flirt and work my magic. Lol only just now I figured out I have charisma so I want to put it to use. That use of course being my fun. Lets start the first lesson of my way of seduction right here.

    Lesson 1
    Know the persons name before you speak to them. I say meeting strangers is the hardest for that soul reason. If you don't know their name you come off as the ass, stalker, lonely geek, just someone that anyone wouldn't want to talk to if the first thing you say is "whats your name?" Meeting people through your friends is definitely a big plus because first the exchange of names are already done and second you can still have control of how you are introduced. Confidence is always a virtue. Now when you are in the conversation what you need to do is get the other person to talk. Ask questions such as "what did you do over summer?" or a question relating to a observation you made. For example you notice they are wearing a shirt with a logo relating to a hobby make a question about that. Having them talk and about theirself is beneficial threefold: 1, you're not talking, making a fool of yourself, whatever, 2, them speaking helps them be more comfortable with you, relationships of any kind are about comfort levels, friends are comfortable to talk about more serious issues while lovers are comfortable to be naked around each other, and 3, you're learning about the person so you can know them better and then become more relevant to that person.

    Well thats all of the lesson for today. Its a little out of order but its sound advice for any guy or gal. lol After reading that it sounds like I should be a columnist for some porn mag. Which wouldn't be such a bad job now that I think about it.

    The comment system site is still down so everyone will still have to wait until they can crack jokes about whatever I've said. But if its really pressing go ahead and email me at Actually any of my friends who find their way to my site go ahead and mail me about the site even if its to say "its nice." Hopefully I'll have some more stuff uploaded to the site later but for now I'm gone.

    listening to // Daft Punk - Something About Us
    mood // serene

    Phase 2, 8/17/03

    Well the site is starting coming together. Got my bio, links, and webcomics up. I know theres a lot of webcomics but if you have the free time they're all very good especially to get a laugh and waste some time on a rainy day. Yes I am a gaian if my link to it is any give away. Also known as Flac in that. So if you're ever around hey give me a ring. But for things to do: I have to get up my calendar, the comment and something that isn't blog related, maybe a quiz I designed myself or some music.

    I have link (freshman orientation) tomarrow so I'm going to get up six like I do for whenever I have to get up early grab a shower and hopefully impress some of the preppy girls who hate me. Hey whatcha gonna do?

    listening to // Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dosed
    mood // serene/stoic (a running mood for me

    Phase 1, 8/17/03

    Thank you so much for the layout Kenken. Everyone give her a hand! Kenken also known as animeternal of her blog Animeternal and does numerous graphical things for me and is paid in drinks and pocky. But hey its finally mine. Its been been so long and it is finally... Mwhahahahaha. Give tare-ginji up there a hug, a kiss, or whatever forever wishing us Ganbare!. For the unenlightened ganbare means go for it! so its a cheer or something of that nature. I am known as Flac, otis, jou-chan, and of course Jared. Hopes and dreams everyone, hopes and dreams. The main focus of the site is to be uplifting. In mood, mind, or even randomness. So enjoy.

    Kenken recommended signing up with Haloscan for a good commenting system. either that or use a tagboard. I'll decide which if any when I get around to it. I'm leaning towards commentary because tag boards aren't really my style. Imood too. I'm also planning on uploading many different things to the site so it hopefully turns out to be more than a blog.

    listening to // American Hi-Fi - The Art of Losing
    mood // ecstatic (i just got my layout wouldn't you be too?)