Welcome to
Captain Planet
FlamingSickle (me!)
Well, sure has been a while since this was last updated, like almost two years or something. Actually, this isn't really a good update. More of a notice that I have to change some... stuff...

If you're looking for more updated stuff, head on over to
my newer site.

I'm sure I'll update that sometime or another. Hey, check out these quotes, hint hint.
or email me at
AIM me at
Last updated: July 22nd, 2004  12:24 AM EST
Number of people who actually came to my site. And they say I'm crazy! :)
Captain Planet comic Issue 2: Smog Gets in Your Eyes
In loving memory of those who lost their lives.
Recommended songs to download
What can I say? I got bored!
Union of the Soviet Environmentalist Republics
What do you speak?
Just out of curiosity, do you speak any of the following combinations of languages?
English only
Spanish only (yet I can still read your site, hmmm....)
Russian only (yet I can still read your site, hmmm....)
English and Spanish
English and Russian
Spanish and Russian
All three
Even more!
You're a twit, you know that, right?

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