News on Johnny Yong Bosch

May 13, 2005
More conventions that Johnny will attend: Anime Fest 2005 (Sept 2-5) and Trinitycon 2005 (Oct. 21-23). "Devon's Ghost" is already out in stores, which is a film Johnny he directed. Johnny is also working on another film called, "Subject Nova" based on one of his writings.
Hopefully, the Eyeshine CD will come out this May~

March 20, 2005
Well if you haven't already read on or random anime con forums.. Johnny will be a guest at *drumroll please*: Anime Boston 2005, Sogen Con 2005, Anime Iowa 2005, Anime Evolution 2005 (That's in Canada!), and not only Johnny will be at Metrocon 2005, Eyeshine will also be performing there too!

July 12, 2004
Is it just me, or Adult Swim are just weird with schedules? O_o Anywho, "Trigun" will be airing at 1:00 am Monday through Saturday. And on Saturday nights.. "Wolf's Rain" at 11:30 pm AND "Witch Hunter Robin" at 12:00 am. :0 That's like a triple dose of Johnny (if he shows up in each episode)! Now you can call it "Johnny Overdose Saturdays!" Or something like that :D And also reruns of Adult Swim will begin at 2:00 am.

June 22, 2004
Off we go to.. AnimeFest! Johnny will be at Dallas, Texas on Sept. 3-6! Get your cosplaying on and go go go!
You can check also out Eyeshine's performances at their website in the Bookings section.

April 24, 2004
Wolf's Rain is airing on Adult Swim tonight at 11:30 pm/2:30 am (good timing, huh?) Yeah! x3 We gotta love our Cartoon Network. x_x It sucks not having cable though..

April 6, 2004
"Eyeshine" will be performing at OtakuCon on Dec. 18 at Miami, Florida! Click on OtakuCon's official website for pre-registeration. (Why is it all good cons are at the east coast?!)

February 6, 2004
Witch Hunter Robin will be airing on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network on Feb. 16. It starts at 12:00 am and reruns at 3:00am (Pacific/Eastern). Check out the Official Adult Swim Website for more details and schedule line-ups.

January 17, 2004
Happy late birthday, Johnny! (Jan. 6)! 28 years old and still looking great as ever! :D
Also, thanks to Chris S., I've been told that Johnny's band, "Eye Shine" that they lost one of their group members, Sean. Our hearts go out to him.

December 7, 2003
Oy, Johnny's on the move again! To.. Ushicon! Which will be held at Austin Texas on Jan. 30- Feb. 1, 2004. XD Don't miss out!

Also, I found in Ushicon's bio of Johnny that he has a band called, "Eyeshine". Check out their audio and video clips! Johnny's the singer *_* Swoon.

September 29, 2003
I just checked up on Kazecon news, it stated that Johnny won't be able to attending because of schedule of his new movie production. (Which I still don't know much about) x_x; Sorry, guys if you were hoping to go. Until next time, watch out for more updates on Johnny!

August 21, 2003
Missed Johnny at the last con? Well, then Kazecon is for you! They have announced new guests and it'll be at "Ramada Plaza O'Hare" Rosemont, Illinois on October 10-12. What are you waiting for?! o.o Click on link for more details.

August 4, 2003
This probably a rumor, but will Johnny be in Mortal Kombat 3 Movie?! I dunno, I got that from Mortal Kombat Revolution. That be super spiffy if he was in it :D .. O-o MK3?! Is it possible? The world may never know..

July 20, 2003
Thanks to my friend Kurai, she informed me that Mr. Johnny Bosch is going to Otakon 2003 as one of the American guests! :D On August 8, 9, and 10, the convention will be held in Baltimore, Maryland. Click here for more info and go preregister! ;-; Only if I can go to a con.. *sniffle*

July 15, 2003
Currently, Mr. Johnny Bosch is working on a new kid's show called "Fast Max". It's about Max Fastlane (Bosch) who always wanted to be a racecar driver like his father. And later on meets tons of trouble with purple people, flying men and ancient mummies o.o... And we can see Bosch with his martial art skills at his fine-ist! (x_X I know I can't spell..). Go to for a sneek peek trailer of the show. I don't know when it airs, but it better be soon >=/ Ooh, and here's a poster of the show donated by J'metm. ^^ Thankerz! And visit these sites for more info on the show:
Official Fast Max Website
Official Fan Website For Fast Max

-As you may or maynot know, Trigun is airing on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network, Sunday to Thrusday at 1:00 am. Har har har, watch the infamous Vash the Stampede and Johnny's lovely voice :D Love & Peace! XD
Adult Swim Website

-Reruns of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are held on Abc Family, Monday to Friday at 8:30 am (Pacific time). Check out the channel's website for your local listings.

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