Incorporation of Florence, Kentucky, 1830
Acts of the Kentucky Legislature 27 Jan 1830, p. 115-117.
AN ACT to change the name and authorize the election of Trustees to the town of Connersville, Boone county.
SEC. 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That from and after the passage of this act, the town of Connersville, situated at the junction of the Burlington and Cincinnati roads, in the county of Boone, shall be called and known by the name of Florence, and shall be bounded as follows: beginning at H. Stuck's south line, one hundred feet from the Georgetown road, running north across said road into John Stephens' farm the number of feet aforesaid, there to corner; thence to run a north-east direction three hundred yards, and there to corner on Lewis Conner's land; thence south-east one hundred feet to the road, and the same number of feet in said Conner's land across the road, and thence to the beginning.
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That Pitman Cloudas, B. A. Collins, Jacob Shotts, Henry Stuck and William T. Bainbridge, be, and they are hereby appointed trustees of the said town of Florence, and shall continue in office until the first Saturday in April, 1830, and at the expiration of their term, it shall be lawful for the citizens of said town to elect five trustees for said town, the above named trustees giving ten days notice of the time and place of such election of their successors, who shall remain in office for one year after their election.
Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That there shall be an election for trustees on the first Saturday in April every year; and when any vacancy shall happen by death, removal, resignation or otherwise, the board shall have power to fill such vacancy until the next annual election of trustees in and for said town.
Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That each free white male person of the age of eighteen years, being an actual resident of said town, or holding title to real estate therein, shall be entitled to vote for trustees.
Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the trustees of said town shall have power to make rules and enact such by-laws for the regulation and government of said town, as they shall deem necessary: Provided, such rules and by-laws are not contrary to the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth; and the said trustees shall have power to inflict a fine not exceeding five dollars for every breach of their by-laws, to be sued for, and recovered in their name, before any justice of the peace for the county of Boone, and to be applied to the use of the town.
Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the trustees of said town shall be, and they are hereby authorized to lay a tax on the inhabitants and persons holding real estate therein, sufficient to clear and keep in repair the streets and side walks of the same; Provided, the tax so imposed shall not exceed one dollar of each tithe, nor twenty-five cents on each hundred dollars worth of taxable property in each year; Provided also, that no tax shall be laid upon any real estate in said town, unless four of the trustees shall concur therein; and said trustees shall have power to appoint a commissioner and collector, for the purpose of carrying into effect the foregoing provision, and make such commissioner and collector such compensation for their services as they may think reasonable.
Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the board of trustees in and for said town, shall appoint a clerk, whose duty it shall be to keep a fair record of the proceedings of said trustees, which shall be open for the inspection of any person desiring to see the same; and said trustees shall be at liberty to make a reasonable allowance to the clerk, for his services out of any funds which may come into their hands under the provisions of this act.
Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That a majority of the trustees of said town shall have power to do and perform every thing which they may be authorized to do under the provisions of this act.
Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to exempt the citizens of said town from working roads and highways, in such precincts and districts as the county court of Boone, under the laws now in force, shall from time to time order and direct.
Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the trustees of said town shall take bond and security from their collector for the faithful performance of the duties assigned him.
Typed and edited by James Duvall, M. A.
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