Boone County Recorder 6 Jan 1909 p. 1, col. 3.
"The Boone County Medical Society met at the office of Dr. L. C. Hafer on December 16th, 1908. Besides the members there were present as visitors Drs. C. W. McCollum, of Erlanger, and Samuel Iglaner, of Cincinnati. It was a very interesting meeting. Dr. Iglaner read a paper on "Anaesthetics," which was heartily enjoyed by all. At the business session the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: L. C. Hafer, President; Y. F. Hopkins, V-President; F. L. Piddicord, Secty. and Treas; F. L. Sayre, Censor for three years. The society is doing good work and should have the hearty cooperation of all the physicians in the county, also the public in general as they reap the benefit of its efforts. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fulton entertained the society at dinner. Mrs. Fulton had her handsome cottage beautifully decorated with ferns and cut-flowers. The guests did justice to the bountiful dinner which was served in fine style."